
The Middle Ages

The Dark Ages

Question: The Middle Ages began as a result of what?
Answer: The fall of the Roman Empire

Question: What political system emerged during the Medieval Era?
Answer: Feudalism- a system based on land for loyalty/protection

Question: What was the economic system of the Middle Ages called and what was it based on?
Answer: Manorialism -or- the Manor System
It was based on self-sufficiency

Question: Name 2 of the 3 groups that invaded the people of Europe and created fear and chaos.
Answer: Vikings, Magyars, Muslims

Question: How did weapon technology change throughout the Medieval Era and give an example?
Answer: The weaponry had to either defend walled, stone castles or had to lay siege to one. Catapult, Trebuchet, Tortoise, Battering Ram

Roman Catholic Church

Question: Who is the head of the Catholic Church?
Answer: The Pope

Question: What is the tithe and how did it impact the Roman Catholic Church?
Answer: 10% church tax that allowed the Catholic church to grow wealthy and powerful

Question: Define excommunication and why it was so feared by the people of the Middle Ages.
Answer: It is the formal removal of a person from the Catholic Church. It was feared because it meant that one's soul would not be able to achieve salvation.

Question: What is a monastery and why were they important to Medieval society (2 examples)
Answer: A religious community of men who devote their lives to prayer and serving God.
They were important because they maintained literacy, provided schools, hospitals, offered support to the people who needed them.

Question: During the high Middle Ages many cathedrals were built to glorify God. What are 3 characteristics of Gothic Cathedrals?
Answer: flying buttresses, pointed arched windows, built of stone, soared to the heavens, had lofty ceilings

The Crusades

Question: What 2 groups fought in the Crusades?
Answer: Christians and Muslims

Question: What were Christians and Muslims fighting over?
Answer: Control of the holy land of Jerusalem

Question: How did the Pope get Europeans join the Crusades?
Answer: He promised them salvation

Question: How did the inability to defeat the Muslims for control of the Holy Land impact the Catholic Church?
Answer: It lowered their esteem, took away some of the power/credibility of the pope

Question: List 2 ways the Crusades changed Medieval Europe
Answer: - it weakened the feudal system as many knights headed the call to join the crusades
-it increased trade and commerce between Europe and the Muslim World
- it led to the spread of Muslim knowledge/ideas to Europe and an increased interest in knowledge/learning
-it led to mistrust between Christians and Muslims
-it increased the power of European monarchs

The Black Death

Question: Where did the Black Death originate?
Answer: Asia

Question: Why did the disease spread so quickly?
Answer: It spread along land and sea trade routes by merchants; flea infested rats carried and spread the disease

Question: What group of people was blamed for the Black Death and why?
Answer: The Jews
Anti-Semitism, they didn't appear to be as impacted by the disease as quickly

Question: How was the Catholic Church impacted by the Black Death?
Answer: It was weakened; people began to question their faith making the church lose prestige and power.

Question: How was the Medieval economy impacted by the Black Death? 2 examples
Answer: Trade declined; prices increased; wages went up; the manor system started to breakdown as serfs died or left


Question: Define secular
Answer: worldly, non-religious

Question: What impact did the harness and 3 field system have on Medieval Europe
Answer: It led to greater agricultural output and a population increase

Question: What was the Inquisition?
Answer: A Catholic Church Court established to seek out and punish heretics (people who go against church laws)

Question: What was the Commercial Revolution?
Answer: expansion of trade and commerce- led to growth of capitalism $

Question: Define vernacular -and- why it was important that new books were written in vernacular
Answer: Everyday languages like Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese
It encourage people to learn to read and made education/information available to many