

Who am I? (WWII)

Question: I made the decision to drop the atomoic bombs on Japan. I came up with a doctrine to aid countries that were being threatened by communism. I integreted the armed forces with executive order 9981. Who am I?
Answer: Harry Truman

Question: I was supreme commander of the troops that invaded France on D-Day. I served two terms as president after WWII. Who am I?
Answer: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Question: I led American forces in the Philippines during WWII. I was chosen to head the UN forces in Korea. President Truman and I had a disagreement. After, President Truman relieved me of my duties. Who am I?
Answer: Douglas MacArthur

Question: We were American volunteer pilots who served in WWII. We sent supplies to the Chinese and won over 300 victories against Japanese pilots. We were volunteers because America had not yet joiuned the war. Who are we?
Answer: The Flying Tigers

Question: I was responsible for eliminating three enemy machine gun positions and an observation post. I won many awards but was denied the military's top honor because of my race at the time. In 1997, I finally received the Medal of Honor. Who am I?
Answer: Vernon Baker

Who am I? (1950s)

Question: I was a civil rights activist in the 1950s and 1960s. My actions led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Who am I?
Answer: Rosa Parks

Question: I was FDR's chief consultant during WWII. I was President Harry Truman's Secretary of State. While Secretary of State I developed a plan to rebuild post war Europe and contain the spread of communism. This plan was named after me. Who am I?
Answer: George Marshall

Question: I was aSenator from Wisconsin. I am famous for accusing many people in the United States government of being communist. Because of the tensions of the cold war my unsupported accusations gained credibility. Who am I?
Answer: Joseph McCarthy

Question: I was the attorney for Linda Brown in the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas case. I also defended Rosa Parks. I continued to fight against racial injustices well beyond the 1950s. Who am I?
Answer: Thurgood Marshall

Question: I was Governor of Arkansas from 1955-1967. I became famous in 1957 when I ordered the Arkansas National Guard to stop nine young African Americans from integrating Little Rock High School. President Eisenhower sent U.S. troops to Little Rock to enforce integration. Who am I?
Answer: Orval Faubus


Question: What treaty ended WWI and was one cause to the beginning of WWII?
Answer: Treaty of Versailles

Question: What tragedy forced America into WWII?
Answer: Peral Harbor

Question: What was the project to create the atomic bombs?
Answer: Manhattan Project

Question: America's home front was one reason the United States was successful during WWII. What was it called to conserve materials for the war effort at home?
Answer: Rationing

Question: As Chief of American ground forces in 1944, General Omar Bradley oversaw the landing to U.S. troops in what major battle?
Answer: D-Day

Cold War

Question: What was proposed by President Harry Truman to give economic aid to Greece and Turkey to fight the spread of communism?
Answer: Truman Doctrine

Question: The Soviet Union set up a blockade into West Berlin in 1948. How did the allied nations get supplies into West Berlin?
Answer: Berlin Airlift

Question: What was the idea that if one country fell to communism so would the surrounding countries?
Answer: Domino Theory

Question: Where is North and South Korea divided?
Answer: The 38th Parallel

Question: What committee was set up after WWII to insure loyalty to the United States?
Answer: H.U.A.C. (House Un-American Activities)

Pot Luck

Question: What was the conflict called between U.S. & Soviet Union? Lasted from 1945-1990.
Answer: The Cold War

Question: What were the two opposing sides during WWII?
Answer: Allied and Axis Powers

Question: What battle in the Pacific was a turning point in WWII and put the Japanese on the defensive?
Answer: Battle of Midway

Question: This declared the west coast a military zone and permitted the military to require Japanese Americans to relocate to internment camps. What was this called?
Answer: Executive Order 9066

Question: Forcible transfer of American and Filipino prisoners by the Japanese Imperial Army after a battle in the Philippines. What was this called?
Answer: Bataan Death March