


Question: On a recent test, Rudi correctly answered 30 out of 40 questions, what percent of her questions did she answer correctly?
Answer: 75%

Question: In 13/20 of its games, the Panthers softball team scored 6 or more runs. In percent of its games did the Panthers score 6 or more runs?
Answer: 65%

Question: Mr. Woo's bill at the restaurant was $240 before the tip. If he left a tip equal to 18% of the bill, how much was the tip?
Answer: $43.20

Question: Amber has won 60% of her tennis matches this season. Name 2 fractions that are equivalent to this percent.
Answer: 6/10 3/5

Question: Toshi has $900 in a bank account that earns 3% annual simple interest. If Toshi keeps the money in the account for 2 years, how much money will he earn in interest?

Answer: $54


Question: Mrs. Bennett bought 12 quarts of ice cream for a party. How many gallons of ice cream did Mrs. Bennett buy if 1 gallon is 4 quarts?
Answer: 3 gallons

Question: Marj walked 3/4 a mile from her house to the library, where she met Pam. Together they walked 2/3 mile to the pet store. How many miles did Marj walk?
Answer: 1 5/12

Question: Each lap around Cental Park is 1 7/8 miles. Ellen rode her bike for 3 1/2 laps before leaving the park. How many total miles did she ride her bike?
Answer: 6 9/16 miles

Question: A 16 ounce box of cereal costs $2.00. At that rate, how much money would a 40 ounce box cost?
Answer: $5.00

Question: Sam takes 1/3 of an hour to walk 1 kilometer. How many kilometers will he walk in 4/5 of an hour?
Answer: 2 2/5


Question: What is the value of the expression 2x + 3y- 6 when x =4 and y= 3
Answer: 11

Question: Marcy is three years more than four times Cecilia's age. If Cecilia is c years old, which expression represents Marcy's age?
Answer: 4c+3

Question: What is the value of p in the equation below?

4p- 6 = 14

Answer: p =5

Question: A taxi charges a $5 fee plus $3 for each mile. Mrs. Gonzalez paid a total of $41 for a taxi ride. How many miles did she ride?
Answer: 12 miles

Question: A bowling alley charges $4 for each game and $3 shoe rental fee. Walt paid $23 to bowl on Saturday. Make an equation that reflects this situation and solve for how many games he played.
Answer: 4g+3 = 23
g =5

Wild Card

Question: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 8cm and a height of 7cm?
Answer: 28 centimeters squared

Question: What is the best unit to measure the capacity of a small drinking glass?
Answer: Ounces or cups

Question: The temperature outside is 25 degrees centigrade. Using the formula below, what is the temperature in degrees Farenheight? F= 1.8C+ 32
Answer: 77.0

Question: Simplify the expression below:

64 + 12 / (2x3) - 4
Answer: 62

Question: A group of students is selling cookies at $3 per bag. The students spent $23 on all the supplies to make the oatmeal cookies. Write an expression to be used to find the profit made from selling w bags of oatmeal cookies?
Answer: 3w - 23


Question: If Leo spins a 1-6 spinner, what are the chances that he will get an odd number?
Answer: 1:2

Question: The list below shows the number of pages in each of the books that Alejandro read this summer.
420, 368, 452, 320, 345, 452. What is the median of the data set?
Answer: 394

Question: Ryan has 6 yellow marbles, 4 white marbles, and 5 red marbles. If he randomly pulls one from the bag, what is the probability that the marble will be red?
Answer: 5/15 or 1/3

Question: Juan found out the diameter of a circle is 18 inches. What is the circumference?
Answer: 56.52 inches

Question: Shelly bought DVDs. She has 8 comedies, 4 dramas, and 3 musicals. If she picks 1 movie, what is the probability that the movie she picks will be a comedy?
Answer: 8/15