
Biology 101

Chapter 1

Question: Biology is the study of
a.) patterns of inheritence
b.) fossils
c.) life
d.) how organisms produce energy
Answer: C

Question: A hypothesis must be testable to be scientifically valid. Being testable means that
a.) the hypothesis has been proven wrong
b.) some conceivable observation could prove the hypothesis incorrect
c.) if the hypothesis is disproven, the whole test was a failure
d.) there must be many hypothesis to choose from, one of which is a failure
Answer: B

Question: At which level of interaction does life first appear?
a.) Cell
b.) Tissue
c.) Molecule
d.) Organelle
Answer: A

Question: Natural Selection requires
a.) a small population
b.) only heritable variation
c.) only differntial reproductive success
d.) both heritable variation and differential reproductive success
Answer: D

Question: What is the correct order for the hierarchy of biological organization?
a.) atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, ecosystem, community
b.) atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem
c.) atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organelle, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem
d.) atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, ecosystem, community, population
Answer: B

Chapter 2

Question: What property of water makes it move upward from the roots?
a.) adhesion
b.) cohesion
c.) evaporation
d.) Both a & b
Answer: D

Question: Ionic bonds form when _____a.) two atoms share electrons equallyb.) polar molecules are attracted to one anotherc.) one atom transfers an electron to another atomd.) two atoms unequally share electronse.) both atoms are electrically neutral
Answer: C

Question: A typical soda contains sugar, flavorings, coloring agents, and carbon dioxide that have been dissolved in water. Soda is therefore ___

a.) a solvent
b.) a solute
c.) an aqueous solution
d.) hydrophobic

Answer: C

Question: When water freezes, ice floats. Why?

a.) Ice is colder than liquid water.
b.) The ice molecules are moving faster than liquid water molecules.
c.) Ice is denser than liquid water.
d.) The hydrogen molecules in ice bond to the water's surface film.
e.) In ice, the water molecules are farther apart than in liquid water.
Answer: E

Question: The number of protons in an uncharged atom _____

a.) equals the total number of electrons in the orbital shells
b.) equals the number of neutrons
c.) varies with the different isotopes
d.) equals the number of electrons in the outer orbital of the atom
e.) determines its mass number

Answer: A

Chapter 3

Question: What is the main sugar used by cells for energy?
a.) any polysaccharide
b.) aspartame
c.) sucrose
d.) glucose
e.) saccharin
Answer: D

Question: A nucleotide is made of which of the following chemical components?
a.) a nitrogenous base, a fatty acid, and an amino acid
b.) a nitrogenous base, an amino acid, and a phosphate group
c.) a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group, and a sugar
d.) glycerol and fatty acids
Answer: C

Question: What is the process by which cells link monomers together to form polymers?a.) Monomerization b.) Hydrolysisc.) Protein Formationd.) Dehydration Reaction
Answer: D

Question: Peptide bonds are formed between _____. However, it is the properties of the _____ that determine the overall shape of the protein.a.) amino and carboxyl groups … R groupb.) amino and carbonyl groups … R groupc.) amino and R groups … carboxyl groupd.) carboxyl and R groups … carbonyl groupe.) carbonyl and R groups … carboxyl group
Answer: A

Question: Which is the correct term for compounds that do not mix with water?a.) Hydrophillicb.) Phospholipidc.) Hydrophobicd.) Hydrogen Bonded
Answer: C

Chapter 4

Question: Which microscope would be best suited to the measurement of the internal structures of a bacterial cell?a.) Transmission Electron Microscopeb.) Light Microscopec.) Scanning Electron Microscoped.) Confocal Microscope
Answer: A

Question: Which of the following are stored in the lysosomes of the cell?

a.) glycoproteins being prepared for secretion from the cell
b.) digestive enzymes
c.) material to make ribosomes
d.) RNA
e.) bacteria

Answer: B

Question: In plants, _____ are the cell junctions that allow the free exchange of small molecules that assist in communication. In animal cells, similar cell junctions are known as ____

a.) desmosomes ... gap junctions
b.) plasmodesmata ... desmosomes
c.) plasmodesmata ... gap junctions
d.) communicating junctions ... desmosomes
Answer: C

Question: In muscle cells, the _____ is/are specialized for the storage and release of calcium

a.) mitochondria
b.) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c.) the Golgi apparatus
d.) contractile vacuoles
e.) rough endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: B

Question: Which cellular organelle is required for photosynthesis to occur in eukaryotic cells?

a.) chloroplast
b.) nucleus
c.) lysosome
d.) Golgi apparatus
e.) mitochondrion

Answer: A

Chapter 5

Question: Energy is ____
a.) movement
b.) the amount of food intake
c.) the capacity to produce heat
d.) the capacity to preform work
Answer: D

Question: Cellular respiration is an example of

a.) Thermodynamics
b.) An exergonic reaction
c.) An endogonic reaction
d.) Energy
Answer: A

Question: The movement of atoms, ions, or molecules from a region of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration is called ____
a.) Diffusion
b.) Active Transport
c.) Passive Transport
d.) Osmosis
Answer: A

Question: The first law of thermodynamics ____

a.) states that energy is neither created nor destroyed
b.) deals with entropy
c.) deals with heat content
d.) states that entropy spontaneously increases

Answer: A

Question: A reaction is designated as exergonic rather than endergonic when _____

a.) activation energy exceeds net energy release
b.) activation energy is necessary
c.) no kinetic energy is released
d.) the potential energy of the products is less than the potential energy of the reactants
e.) it absorbs more energy
Answer: D