
AP US History Review VI

Early Colonization

Question: This was the unprecedented movement of plants, animals, people, and disease across the Atlantic Ocean.
Answer: Columbian Exchange

Question: This southern colony was established with good intentions: its founders not only wanted to ban slavery, but wanted to use the colony as a refuge for debtors.
Answer: Georgia

Question: The market for slaves became quite a bit more competitive after this company lost its crown-granted monopoly.
Answer: Royal African Company

Question: This New York rebellion was fueled by animosity between landholders and aspiring merchants, taking place from 1689-1691.
Answer: Leisler's Rebellion

Question: This royal decree, issued by the King of France, granted religious tolerance to French Protestants and helped pave the way for the French colonization of North America.
Answer: Edict of Nantes

Building the Nation

Question: This early framework for American government was not ratified by all the states until 1781.
Answer: Articles of Confederation

Question: This decision while drafting the Constitution was made in order to settle the issue of the slave population in the South in regards to deciding representation in the House of Representatives.
Answer: Three-Fifths Compromise

Question: Alexander Hamilton proposed this type of duty on domestic items, notably whiskey, which upset many backcountry citizens who often used whiskey as a form of currency.
Answer: Excise tax

Question: This theory, used by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, argued that the thirteen states, in creating the federal government, had entered into a contract regarding its jurisdiction.
Answer: Compact theory

Question: This early Supreme Court Chief Justice is known for bolstering the power of the federal government at the expense of the states.
Answer: John Marshall

Testing the Nation

Question: This region, notorious for its concentration of slavery, spread from South Carolina and Georgia into the new southwest states of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Answer: Black belt

Question: This imaginary boundary separated the Northern states from the Southern states.
Answer: Mason-Dixon Line

Question: This doctrine states that free people of a territory, under the general principles of the Constitution, should themselves determine the status of slavery in their territory.
Answer: Popular sovereignty

Question: These proposed amendments, designed to appease the South, promised federal protection of slavery south of the 36-30 line and would allow future states north of that line to enter the Union as either free or slave states according to their choice.
Answer: Crittenden Amendments

Question: After receiving direct orders to advance from an impatient Abraham Lincoln, George McClellan cautiously approached the Confederate capital of Richmond in this series of engagements.
Answer: Peninsula Campaign

Industrial Society

Question: President Grant was elected largely using this strategy, which involved reviving gory memories of the Civil War.
Answer: "Waving the bloody shirt"

Question: This act of Congress made compulsory campaign contributions from federal employees illegal and established the Civil Service Commission to make appointments to federal jobs on the basis of examinations rather than patronage.
Answer: Pendleton Act

Question: This act prohibited railroad rebates and pools and required the railroads to publish their rates openly.
Answer: Interstate Commerce Act

Question: These theorists argued that individuals won their positions in life based on their superior natural talents and abilities, rather than luck and good fortune.
Answer: Social Darwinists

Question: This act allowed a settler to acquire as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for five years, improving it, and paying a fee of about $30.
Answer: Homestead Act

Struggling Home & Abroad

Question: Secretary of State John Hay dispatched this note to all the "great powers" in the summer of 1899, urging them to announce that in their spheres of influences or leases they would respect certain Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition.
Answer: Open Door note

Question: This political method places laws on the ballot for final approval by the people rather than the Congress, and was an important position of the Progressives in the early 1900s.
Answer: Referendum

Question: This Wilsonian election platform included calls for stronger antitrust legislation, banking reform, and tariff reductions.
Answer: New Freedom

Question: This was the term Herbert Hoover used to refer to Americans, whom he considered to be industrious, thrifty, self-reliant, and capable of solving their own problems during the Great Depression.
Answer: Rugged individualists

Question: This problem, which struck the Great Plains during the 1930s, was caused by a combination of drought and years of careless farming practices.
Answer: Dust Bowl