
Geography Ch 25

Vocabulary 1

Question: traditional Arab open-air market in Egypt
Answer: bazaar

Question: a natural or artificial lake used to store water for human needs
Answer: reservoir

Question: older Arab section of a city in North Africa
Answer: medina

Question: practice of building walls around fields in order to trap the water and silt overflowing from the banks of a river
Answer: basin irrigation

Question: land formed by soil in the water that is dropped as the river slows and enters the sea
Answer: delta

Vocabulary 2

Question: large groups of merchants joined together to travel in safety
Answer: caravan

Question: system that provides needed water to fields throughout the year
Answer: perennial irrigation

Question: Egyptian peasants
Answer: fellaheen

Question: a dry riverbed or gully that catches and temporarily holds water from sudden downpours
Answer: wadi

Question: money used to build and support new industries
Answer: capital

Questions 1

Question: The Nile River no longer floods every year for which of the following reasons?
a. Flood walls were built along the length of the river.
b. Water is diverted from the river to irrigate desert areas.
c. A dam was built to control the flow of the river.
d. The rising level of salt in the river prevents it from flooding.
Answer: c. A dam was built to control the flow of the river.

Question: After World War II, Egypt and the Arab Middle East were united in their opposition of _________________________________.
Answer: The establishment of the state of Israel

Question: Where do the vasy majority of Egypt's people live?
Answer: along the Nile River and in the Nile Delta

Question: In contrast to Tunisia and Morocco, Libya and Algeria
a. are predominantly Christian countries.
b. have more arable land.
c. have more oil reserves.
d. have closer ties to Western powers.
Answer: c. have more oil reserves.

Question: Why have the Tuareg given up their traditional lifestyle in recent years?
Answer: severe drought

Questions 2

Question: While Egypt was the target on invaders for centuries, the invaders who had the most influence of the present culture were the ____________________.
Answer: Arabs

Question: Which of the following is not true of the Nile River valley?
a. It runs from south to north.
b. It empties into the Indian Ocean.
c. It is flanked on both sides by deserts.
d. It is densely populated.
Answer: b. It empties into the Indian Ocean.

Question: Building the Aswan High Dam had all of the following effects on agriculture in Egypt except
a. increasing the salt content of soil.
b. preventing annual flooding.
c. allowing farmers to grow crops year-round.
d. forcing farmers to switch from cotton to other crops.
Answer: d. forcing farmers to switch from cotton to other crops.

Question: Why does Egypt import more than half of its food supply?
Answer: to meet the demands of a rapidly growing population

Question: What two major factors limit the growth of industry in Egypt?
Answer: Few skilled workers and a lack of capital

Questions 3

Question: Which of the following was not a goal of Gamal Abdel Nasser?
a. to end Western domination of Egypt
b. to modernize the country
c. to make Egypt a major influence in world politics
d. to negotiate peace with Israel
Answer: d. to negotiate peace with Israel

Question: In contrast to people who live in the coastal areas of Libya and the Maghreb nations, people who live in the interior regions
a. are less likely to be Muslim.
b. are more likely to maintain traditional ways.
c. are more likely to emigrate in search of economic opportunities.
d. are discriminated against by their governments.
Answer: b. are more likely to maintain traditional ways.

Question: Which of the following is an accurate statement about the government of Algeria?
a. It made a gradual transition from colonial rule to independence.
b. It has had a democratic form of government in place since independence.
c. When an extremist Islamic party nearly won an election, the army took over the government.
d. Real power is held by Libya’s ruler, Muammar Qaddafi.
Answer: c. When an extremist Islamic party nearly won an election, the army took over the government.

Question: Which of the following is an accurate statement about foreign domination of Libya and the Maghreb nations?
a. While all three Maghreb nations were under the control of France for many years, Libya was never under the control of a European power.
b. Under the rule of the Arabs, Libya and the Maghreb nations became an important center of trade and education.
c. Because of their rich oil reserves, Tunisia and Morocco have been subjected to invasions more often than Algeria and Libya.
d. Libya, Algeria, and Morocco fought long and difficult wars to gain their independence from European powers.
Answer: b. Under the rule of the Arabs, Libya and the Maghreb nations became an important center of trade and education.

Question: In which of the following ways does the government of Libya differ from the governments of Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco?
a. It is the only democracy in the region.
b. It is the only monarchy in the region.
c. It has had the same ruler since 1969.
d. It is the only government run by a fundamentalist religious leader.
Answer: c. It has had the same ruler since 1969.