
SOCI/MNGT 412 Jeopardy

Race and Immigration

Question: An individual operating under this framework will espouse egalitarian views and behave as such in evaluations where expectations are clear; however, they will reveal their subconscious racial biases in evaluations with unclear expectations.
Answer: What is Aversive Racism?

Question: These post-Civil War laws prohibited loitering and panhandling, effectively criminalizing poverty.
Answer: What are the Vagabond Laws?

Question: Scholars are unsure how this symbolic boundary will shift given the dramatic differences in race / ethnicity / country of origin between First and Second Wave Immigrants.
Answer: What is the Color Line?

Question: This racial/ethnic group, along with those of African ancestry, are considered "involuntary immigrants."
Answer: What are Native Americans / American Indians?
(Or, some Latin@s)

Question: This type of categorization may overlook cultural variations and is often created by "cultural outsiders," but sometimes adopted by the cultures themselves.
Answer: What is a Pan-Ethnic Identification?

Gov't and Housing

Question: This is a type of redistricting in which political parties seek to gain numerical advantages from the creative adjustments of electoral districts.
Answer: What is Gerrymandering?

Question: This legislation helped forge the white American middle-class, with low-cost mortgages in newly developing suburbs; however, less than 5% of the funds from this bill were afforded to nonwhite veterans.
Answer: What is the GI Bill of Rights (or, GI Bill)?

Question: This term is used to describe the rapid of expansion of the inmate population and growing influence of private, for-profit companies.
Answer: What is the Prison-Industrial Complex?

Question: This practice can cause residential segregation and ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods by steering or channeling nonwhites into certain neighborhoods.
Answer: What is Housing Discrimination?

Question: This package of social programs included unemployment insurance, a minimum wage, and workday limits; however, certain occupations such as farm workers and domestic workers were excluded from these provisions.
Answer: What is the New Deal?
(or, Social Security Act of 1935)

Work and Education

Question: This educational disparity is most likely due to differences in child-rearing and family behaviors, but may be exacerbated by biased tests, teacher discrimination, and race-related test anxiety.
Answer: What is the Black-White Test Gap?

Question: The income-achievement gap would predict that this group would be most likely to receive high scores on standardized tests.
Answer: Who are the rich/wealthy/upper quartile?

Question: This status is the most significant predictor of who will attend and graduate from college.
Answer: What is social class?

Question: These interlocking practices and processes result in continuing inequalities in all work organizations, and can be seen in domains such as the general requirements for work, wage setting, and hiring practices.
Answer: What are Inequality Regimes?

Question: This explanation of lower female participation in STEM fields is likely more accurate that other explanations, like genetic differences and discrimination.
Answer: What are Preferences?

Gender and Sexuality

Question: This concept describes the normalizing of homosexual (gay, lesbian, bi, trans) identities; although homosexuals may be represented as "not that different from" heterosexuals, it is often criticized for ignoring the variation that exists within the various groups that are considered "homosexuals".
Answer: What is Homonormativity?

Question: This socio-legal status is one of the most widely recognized relationships, but has often been used as a tool for exclusion of social, political, and economic freedoms.
Answer: What is Marriage?

Question: This term is the most accurate umbrella term for all individuals who identify as a part of the "Alphabet Soup" (LGBTQIA).
Answer: What is "Queer"?

Question: In contrast to undifferentiated or agendered individuals - who demonstrate neither masculine nor feminine traits - people who claim this identification demonstrate a combination of masculine and feminine traits.
Answer: What is Androgynous?

Question: This umbrella term is used to describe individuals whose gender identity or gender expression does not "match" their biological sex, and challenges conventional assumptions about sex-gender congruence.
Answer: What is Transgender?
(NOT Transsexual)


Question: This advantage is gained at the expense or disadvantage of others.
Answer: What is Privilege?

Question: This hypothesis states that meaningful differences in language syntax can cause differences in perceptions, conceptualizations, and world views in a systematic way.
Answer: What is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, or Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis?

Question: This system of resource distribution requires equality of opportunity to be present.
Answer: What is a Meritocracy?

Question: A society with a high Gini Coefficient could be described as this.
Answer: What is an Unequal Distribution of Resources, or High Level of Inequality?

Question: The reparations paid to survivors of the Japanese Internment during WWII is an example of this type of justice.
Answer: What is Compensatory Justice?