

important people

Question: Who is the father of History and created the first map
Answer: Herodotus

Question: Philosopher; focused on asking questions to come to an answer
Answer: Socrates

Question: Who is a philosopher focused on political science
Answer: Plato

Question: Who is a philosopher focused on science and logic; classification of animals?
Answer: Aristotle

Question: Who is the inventor of a2+b2=c2?

Answer: Pythagoras

Important People pt 2

Question: Who suggested that the earth moves around the sun?
Answer: Aristarchus

Question: Who wrote a geometry textbook
Answer: Euclid

Question: Who estimated the distances from the Earth to the sun and the moon?
Answer: Hipparchus

Question: Who was the founder of comedy in theater
Answer: Aristophanes

Question: Who was the father of scientific history; firsthand account of the Peloponnesian war?
Answer: Thuycydides

Hodge Podge

Question: Who designed the system of latitude and longitude lines?
Answer: Ptolemy

Question: Who is the founder of tragedy in theater?
Answer: Aeschylus

Question: What were the three goals for Athens?
Answer: Protect the city of Athens
Rebuild and beautify the city of Athens
Split leadership and strengthen democracy in Athens

Question: What is the Golden Age of Athens
Answer: A period of peace and wealth for Athens.

Answer: It was called the Golden Age because the magnificent buildings and statues and amount of wealth.

Hodge Podge pt .2

Question: List four ways the Golden Age was evident?
Answer: The architecture
The Philosophy

Question: What ended the Golden Age?
Answer: The Peloponnesian war was the main reason
This war led to famine
and the Perisians conquered Greece

Question: How did Athens contribute to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian war?
Answer: Athens became very powerful. Sparta was jealous. Athens and Sparta began to fight/quarrel.

Question: Why did Persia give Sparta Money
Answer: Originally Athens planned to conquer Persia; but once Sparta began to fight Athens, Persia supported Sparta so that it would not be conquered. Persia was hoping Sparta and Athens would both become weak and Persa could take over in power.

Question: What was the purpose of Parthenon and where was it built?
Answer: This was a temple built on acropolis above Athens to honor Athena.

hodge podge pt. 3

Question: What were all the factors that weakened Athens and brought about its defeat?
Answer: Athens was plagued with wide-spread disease, famine and poor government

Question: In what ways did King Philip of Macedonia build up his empire?
Answer: The constant wars made Greece weak and divided
He used new types of weapons

Question: How did Alexander rule the conquered lands in his empire?
Answer: He ruled by terror and enforecement
He forced leaders to speak Greek.
He tried to make people believe he was a god and the son of Zeus
He forced the combination of religions
He forced people of different cities into marriage

Question: What was the Hellenistic age and who was responsible for its start?
Answer: The age when Alexander the Great, spread the greek culture.

Question: How have Greek ideas and values influenced American Life?
In government?
In architecture?
In Literature?
In theater?
In sports?
In math?
In Science?
In Medicine?
Answer: In government?
In architecture?
In Literature?
In theater?
In sports?
In math?
In Science?
In Medicine?