
Hisotry Ch 16

Vocabulary 1

Question: Term to describe extreme, reckless charges
Answer: McCarthyism

Question: War to achieve specific goals rather than the total defeat of the enemy
Answer: limited war

Question: endless race to acquire greater numbers of more and more powerful weapons
Answer: arms race

Question: fear of communists, both outside and within the United States
Answer: Red Scare

Question: having so many weapons that both sides would be totally destroyed in an all-out war
Answer: mutually assured destruction

Vocabulary 2

Question: General in command of U.S. Forces in the Korean War
Answer: Douglas MacArthur

Question: American Diplomat who stressed the need to contain communism within its current borders
Answer: George Kennan

Question: Weaker country under the control of a stronger country
Answer: Satellite state

Question: U.S. Policy to use force to help countries in the Middle East fend off communism
Answer: Eisenhower Doctrine

Question: American man convicted and executed for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviets
Answer: Julius Rosenberg

Questions 1

Question: Who first spoke of the "iron curtain"?
Answer: Winston Churchill

Question: One goal of the Marshall Plan was to make European countries ______________________________?
Answer: strong enough to start buying American goods

Question: In China's civil war, the United States backed
a. the Communists, led by Jiang Jieshi
b. the Communists, led by Mao Zedong
c. the Nationalists, led by Mao Zedong
d. the Nationalists, led by Jiang Jieshi
Answer: d

Question: General MacArthur chose what port city for a counterattack against North Korea?
Answer: Inchon

Question: In 1950, what event began the conflict on the Korean peninsula?
Answer: The North Korean army invaded south of the 38th parallel

Questions 2

Question: What was the one place on the globe where the Cold War was "hot" and US soldiers fought and died?
Answer: Korea

Question: What did Egyptian President Nasser do after President Eisenhower withdrew his offer to fund the Aswan Dam?
Answer: nationalized the Suez Canal

Question: What happened on September 2, 1949, that caused a sudden change in US-Soviet relations?
Answer: the Soviet Union set off an atomic bomb

Question: How did the CIA participate in the Cold War?
Answer: carrying out secret missions in other countries

Question: In 1954, why was J. Robert Oppenheimer investigated and denied future access to classified information?
Answer: He had friends and family who belonged to the Communist Party

Questions 3

Question: What was the HUAC responsible for?
Answer: holding hearings about communist ties to the entertainment industry

Question: For what were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged, convicted, and executed specifically?
Answer: passing secrets about nuclear science to the soviets.

Question: What led to Senator McCarthy's downfall?
Answer: The broadcast of the McCarthy hearings on television

Question: Where did Senator McCarthy first announce that the State Department was infested with Communists?
Answer: at a campaign rally

Question: In response to NATO, with whom did the Soviet Union form the Warsaw Pact?
Answer: Eastern European Countries