
AP US History Review V

Race Relations!

Question: Viewing black labor as more controllable and cheaper in the long run, early plantation owners used black slavery to replace this system.
Answer: Indentured servitude

Question: This novel helped Northerners (and Europeans) understand the horrors of slavery.
Answer: Uncle Tom's Cabin

Question: This extremist, paramilitary secret society was founded shortly after the Civil War and has an anti-foreign, anti-black, anti-Jewish, pro-White Protestant ideology.
Answer: Ku Klux Klan

Question: This ex-slave and author founded an all-black school in Tuskegee, Alabama and taught students useful trades but was labeled "accommodationist" by his critics because he stopped short at challenging the existing white supremacy.
Answer: Booker T. Washington

Question: This co-founder of the NAACP argued that the "talented tenth" of the black community should be given full and immediate access to the mainstream of American life.
Answer: W.E.B. DuBois

Global Focus!

Question: This conference saw Great Britain and France hand over control of the Sudetenland to Hitler in exchange for his promise of no further aggression.
Answer: Munich Conference

Question: This political philosophy, which combines intense nationalism and militarism, came into fashion in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s.
Answer: Fascism

Question: German for "night of broken glass," this refers to the pogrom that destroyed Jewish businesses and synagogues and sent thousands to concentration camps on the night of November 9, 1938.
Answer: Kristallnacht

Question: This conflict developed in 1807 when a British ship in search of deserters fired upon an American frigate, killing 4 people.
Answer: The Chesapeake affair

Question: This uprising in China was directed against foreign influence and was eventually suppressed by a mix of American and European forces.
Answer: Boxer Rebellion


Question: This was a clash between protestors and British redcoats who fired on the crowd, killing or wounding 11 citizens and giving the Colonists a great propaganda tool.
Answer: Boston Massacre

Question: Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill drafted this agreement in 1941 that defined the Allied goals for a post-WWII world.
Answer: Atlantic Charter

Question: Meeting during the early days of the French and Indian War, this delegation, led by Benjamin Franklin, was an early but failed attempt at colonial unity and home rule.
Answer: Albany Congress

Question: A major crisis in Anglo-American relations was touched off in 1863, when it was discovered that Great Britain was constructing these warships for the Confederate Army.
Answer: Laird rams

Question: Although Mexico had initially invited Americans to settle in Texas, friction between the two rapidly increased in part due to this requirement of immigrants to Texas.
Answer: Conversion to Catholicism


Question: This bill, passed at the height of the Nullification Crisis, authorized the president to use the army and navy, if necessary, to collect federal tariff duties.
Answer: Force Bill

Question: This Supreme Court decision ruled that slaves remained private property even if they were taken into "free" territory.
Answer: Dred Scott v. Stanford

Question: This was the nickname given to Northern Democrats fond of obstructing Abraham Lincoln's war efforts, the draft, and the emancipation of slaves.
Answer: Copperheads

Question: This refers to Franklin Roosevelt's scheme to add a new justice to the Supreme Court for every member over seventy years of age who would not retire.
Answer: Court-packing plan

Question: Due to this turn of events in England, the American Colonies were largely neglected and forgotten from 1642-1651.
Answer: English Civil War


Question: This era was ushered in by the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, which restricted the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages.
Answer: Prohibition

Question: This farm-relief bill aimed at keeping agricultural prices high by authorizing the government to buy surpluses and sell them abroad was vetoed twice by Calvin Coolidge.
Answer: McNary-Haugen Bill

Question: This convention of early feminists met in 1848, where Elizabeth Cady Stanton read her "Declaration of Sentiments," which in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence declared that "all men and women are created equal."
Answer: Woman's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls (Seneca Falls)

Question: During the mid-1800s, many utopian communities were established across the United States including this one, which practiced "free love," birth control, and the selection of parents to produce superior offspring.
Answer: Oneida Community

Question: This was the slang term for the federal justices appointed by John Adams during the last days of his presidency. Their positions were later revoked when the newly elected Republican Congress repealed the Judiciary Act.
Answer: Midnight judges