
Geometry Jeopardy


Question: How many more sides does a octagon have than a pentagon?
Answer: 3 sides

Question: How many more sides does a hexagon have than a quadrilateral?
Answer: 2 more sides

Question: How are triangles and squares the same? How are they different?

Answer: Both have straight sides and are polygons.
A triangle had 3 sides, a square four sides.
A square has four right angles, a triangle can have right, acute, or obtuse angles.

Question: What are some important characteristics of a polygon?

Why can't certain figures be classified as polygons?
Answer: A polygon is a closed shape made up of line segments. A figure that is an open shape or has curved sides cannot be called polygon.

Question: Riddle:
I have ten sides and ten vertices. What am I?
Bonus: Can you draw this polygon?
Answer: Decagon

See drawings


Question: I am a triangle; two of my sides are the same length. What am I?
Answer: An isosceles triangle

Question: Draw a right triangle. Name each of the angles.
Answer: see picture

Question: I drew one diagonal in a square and cut it out. What shapes do I now have? What new shape can I make?
Answer: You would have two right triangles. Various answers: You can make a larger triangle or a a pentagon.

Question: Is it possible for a triangle to be both an obtuse triangle AND a scalene triangle? Explain whether it is possible.
Answer: If a triangle has an obtuse angle in it AND its sides are three different lengths, then it is possible.

Question: What is the least number of acute angles that a triangle can have?

Can a triangle have two right angles? Explain
Answer: 2
No. A shape that has 2 right angles needs at least four sides for it to be a closed shape.


Question: Name and describe the three types of angles.
Answer: Right angle: square corner, measures 90 degrees
Acute angle: measures less than a right angle
Obtuse angle: measures more than a right angle

Question: Draw a pair of perpendicular line segments.
Draw a pair of parallel sides.

How are they different?
Answer: See drawing

Perpendicular line segments meet and where they meet makes always makes a right angle.
Parallel lines never meet.

Question: What is the definition of an angle? Think: How is an angle formed?

Answer: An angle is formed by two rays with the same endpoint. The endpoint is the vertex of the angle.

Question: What time would it be if the hands of a clock formed a right angle?

An obtuse angle?

An acute angle?
Answer: Various Answers

3:00/ 3:30/ 9:00/ 9:30/

5:00/ 7:00/ 8:00/ 4:00

10:00/ 11:00/ 1:00/ 2:00

Question: How can you use a right angle to decide how to decide how to name another angle?
Answer: If the angle is open less than a right angle, it is acute. If the angle is open more than a right angle, it is obtuse.


Question: A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
Answer: Trapezoid

Question: Name the three special parallelograms.
Answer: Rectangle, square, rhombus

Question: What would you call a rhombus with four right angles?
Answer: A square

Question: How are a rectangle and rhombus alike? How are they different?
Answer: Alike: both are special parallelograms. Their opposite sides are parallel and the same length.
Different: A rectangle must have four right angles but not all of its sides need to be the same length. A rhombus must have all sides they same length. it does not need to have four right angles.

Question: How are a rectangle and parallelogram alike?
How are they different?

Answer: Alike: Both quadrilaterals called parallelograms. Each pair of opposite sides is parallel and has the same length.
Different: A rectangle must have four right angles but its sides don't all have to be the same length.
A parallelogram must have opposite sides the same length but doesn't have any right angles. (If it does it's a rectangle!)


Question: A shape with 4 right angles and sides that are all the same length is called a ?
Answer: square

Question: The point at which two sides meet.
When referring to more than one it is called?
Answer: Vertex

Question: A line segment that connects two vertices that are not next two each other.
Answer: Diagonal

Question: Define an equilateral triangle, a scalene triangle, and an isosceles triangle.
Answer: Equilateral triangle: all 3 sides are the same (equal) lengths.

Scalene triangle: NO sides are the same length.

Isosceles triangle: At least two sides are the same length.

Question: Mark said that a line is part of a line segment. Carol said a line segment is part of a line. Who is correct? Explain
Answer: Carol is correct. A line segment has endpoints, so it is part of a line.