
Wonders 5.5


Question: We ________ to learn about America's history.

A. likes

B. like

C. liking

D. do likes
Answer: B. like

Question: You __________ us how learning is fun!

A. show's

B. shows

C. show is

D. show
Answer: D. show

Question: He ___________ about what questions to ask.

A. think

B. thinks

C. think's

D. things
Answer: B. thinks

Question: Which sentence is written correctly?

A. The book, Kitchen Safe Kids, gives important kitchen safety tips.

B. The book, Kitchen Safe Kids, gives important kitchen safety tips.

C. The book, kitchen safe kids, gives important kitchen safety tips.

D. The book, Kitchen Safe Kids, gives important kitchen safety tips.
Answer: A. The book, Kitchen Safe Kids, gives important kitchen safety tips.

Question: She __________ how to play the piano.

A. know

B. nose

C. know's

D. knows
Answer: D. knows


Question: The Chang family visited Philadelphia. They went there to learn about their country's history.

What was the effect of their visit?

A. They went to Philadelphia.

B. They learned about their country's history.

C. The whole family went.

D. Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania.
Answer: B. They learned about their country's history.

Question: Sometimes the batter misses. This is called a strike. After three strikes, the batter is out. Then it is another batter’s turn.

What is the effect of getting three strikes?

A. the batter misses

B. it is another batter's turn

C. the batter is out

D. the batter goes into the oven
Answer: C. the batter is out

Question: In basketball, players must dribble the ball or pass it to another player. They may not hold the ball and run with it. This would not allow other players a chance to get the ball.

They must dribble or pass the ball so....

A. other players get a chance to have the ball.

B. they may not run with it.

C. they dribble or pass the ball.

D. they can win the game.
Answer: A. other players get a chance to have the ball.

Question: Rules are important in sports. They tell players what they can do. They tell players what they cannot do. All players in a game must play by the same rules.

What would be the effect of sports without rules?

A. Players would not know what they can and cannot do.

B. Rules are important in sports.

C. Rules make the sport fair for everyone.

D. All players in a game must play by the same rules.
Answer: A. Players would not know what they can and cannot do.

Question: All players in a game must agree to the same rules. Sometimes a player breaks a rule. Then he or she may not be allowed to play for all or part of the game.

The effect of a player breaking a rule is.....

A. everyone agrees to the same rules.

B. broken rules cannot be fixed.

C. the game will end.

D. he or she may not be allowed to play for all or part of the game.
Answer: D. he or she may not be allowed to play for all or part of the game.


Question: Officer Buckle gave safety tips to all the people of Napville.

Which sentence uses tips in the same way it is used in the sentence above?

A. I got paint on the tips of my fingers.

B. The table tips over because the leg is broken.

C. Your sister can give you some tips for doing your school project.

D. Mom always tips the server at our favorite restaurant.
Answer: C. Your sister can give you some tips for doing your school project. Tips are helpful ideas or suggestions.

Question: Dad showed me how to adjust the controls on the heater.

Which sentence uses the word controls in the same way it is used in the sentence above?

A. He controls his dog very well.

B. The race car has controls for speed.

C. Each student controls their own hands and feet.

D. My teacher controls her feelings and does not get angry.
Answer: B. The race car has controls for speed. Controls are the switches or buttons that can change something.

Question: The newscaster said we could expect fair weather tomorrow.

Which meaning of the word fair is the same one used in the sentence above?

A. not stormy

B. an exhibition with entertainment and amusements

C. honest

D. a carnival
Answer: A. not stormy

Question: She loves to play on the playground.

Which sentence uses play in the same way as the sentence above?

A. Everyone will have a part in the school play.

B. Who will play the role of the queen?

C. The director said not to play on the stairs.

D. The play was a big hit!
Answer: C. The director said not to play on the stairs.

Question: You should limit how much junk food you eat.

Which meaning of limit is used in the sentence above?

A. border

B. keep low

C. stop everything

D. happy to take more
Answer: B. keep low


Question: Which word does not fit the pattern?

breath, myth, lead, instead

A. breath

B. myth

C. lead

D. instead
Answer: B. myth

Myth has a short i vowel sound. The others have the short e sound.

Question: What is the correct spelling for the word that means a fine string used for sewing?

A. thred

B. three

C. thredd

D. thread
Answer: D. thread

Question: problems, difficulties

A. deaf

B. truoble

C. trouble

D. truble
Answer: C. trouble

Question: Which word does not fit the pattern?

trouble, country, house, rough

A. trouble

B. country

C. house

D. rough
Answer: C. house The other words have the short u vowel sound.

Question: Which word has the same short vowel digraph as the word in bold print?

I used to have trouble catching my breath when I ran.

A. dream

B. breathe

C. lead

D. please
Answer: C. lead The other words contain the long e vowel sound.


Question: We must follow our classroom ____________________.

A. public

B. finally

C. writers

D. rules
Answer: D. rules

Question: Some __________ also do their own illustrations.

A. writers

B. history

C. forms

D. exclaimed
Answer: A. writers

Question: Have you ever been to the ____________ library?

A. public

B. history

C. writers

D. united
Answer: A. public

Question: The team members ____________ to win the game.

A. exclaimed

B. finally

C. separated

D. united
Answer: D. united

Question: "We ____________ get to go to the aquarium!", ___________________ the second graders.

A. writers, united

B. finally, exclaimed

C. exclaimed, finally

D. almost, wondered
Answer: B. "We finally get to go to the aquarium!", exclaimed the second graders.