
World War I and the Russian Revolution

The Great War Begins

Question: What are the four main causes of World War I?
Answer: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism

Question: Which event is pointed to as the spark that set off the war?
Answer: The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Question: Which countries were part of the Triple Entente?
Answer: France, Britain, and Russia

Question: Why did Russia enter the war?
Answer: Allied with Serbia to protect Slavic people

Question: This word means a non-binding agreement to follow common policies.
Answer: Entente

New Kind of War

Question: What was the name of Germany's plan to prevent a war on two fronts?
Answer: The Schlieffen Plan

Question: Name two of the new weapons that were used in World War I.
Answer: Poison Gas, U-boats, tanks, planes, zeppelins, rapid-fire machine gun, long range artillery gun

Question: Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front?
Answer: New technology made it difficult for one side to gain an advantage over the other

Question: What is one reason why the Schlieffen Plan failed?
Answer: Russia mobilized quickly, Belgians resisted more than the Germans had expected, British and French troops stopped the Germans at the Marne River

Question: Give two examples of how the Armenian Genocide fits the official U.N. definition of Genocide.
Answer: Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group.
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

Winning the War

Question: This term means to channel all of a nation's resources into the war effort.
Answer: total war

Question: The sinking of this ship led the U.S. to demand that Germany restrict its submarine warfare.
Answer: the Lusitania

Question: What event boosted Allied morale in 1917?
Answer: The U.S. joined the war.

Question: This term means an agreement to end fighting.
Answer: Armistice

Question: Name three of Wilson's Fourteen Points.
Answer: freedom of the seas, free trade, large-scale reductions of arms, end to secret treaties, self-determination, League of Nations

Making the Peace

Question: This term means payment for war damages.
Answer: reparations

Question: Who were the members of the "Big Three?"
Answer: Wilson, Lloyd George, and Clemenceau

Question: This clause of the Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to accept all responsibility for the war.
Answer: The War Guilt Clause

Question: How did the Allies solve the problem of militarism with the Treaty of Versailles?
Answer: reduced Germany's arms

Question: How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the start of WWII?
Answer: destroyed German economy and left a lot of bitterness.


Question: This term means the growing class of factory and railroad workers, miners, and urban wage earners.
Answer: proletaraiat

Question: Which two factors led to the tsar's abdication?
Answer: food shortages and defeat in battle

Question: What was the name of the Communist secret police who used fear to control the Russian population?
Answer: Check

Question: Why did Lenin have to adapt Marxist theory for Russia?
Answer: Russia did not have a big force of urban workers.

Question: What was Lenin's New Economic Policy?
Answer: allowed some capitalist small businesses an gave land to peasants to grow their own food and sell the surplus.