
5DH spag Emily abi

Question: How many parts of speech are there?
Answer: There is 8.

Question: What does an interjection need to be right?
Answer: An interjection needs an explanation mark to be right.

Question: What are the 3 pronouns in this sentence?:He walked down the street to his car and sat in it.
Answer: The pronouns are: /He /His /It.

Question: List all the parts of speech.
Answer: They are:noun,pronoun,adjective,verb,adverb,preposition,conjunction and interjection.


Question: What replaces the noun?
Answer: The pronoun replaces the noun.

Question: What is another word for a connective?
Answer: Another word for a connective is conjunction.

Question: What is another word for a pronoun?
Answer: There is no answer, it is a trick question.

Question: Which, out of all the parts of speech, end in TION?
Answer: The words are: preposition, Interjection and conjunction.


Question: What does the adjective do?
Answer: It describes a noun.

Question: Is 'move' a preposition?
Answer: No, move is a verb.

Question: What other word goes with the verb when writing the infinitive of the verb?
Answer: The word is to.

Question: Which is the longest word in the parts of speech?
Answer: The longest word in the parts of speech is interjection.


Question: Is run an adverb?
Answer: No, it is a verb.

Question: What part of speech is 'he'?
Answer: It is a pronoun.

Question: Does the title 'the parts of speech' have anything to do with speech?
Answer: No, it does not.

Question: What is an interjection?
Answer: An interjection shows strong emotions.


Question: Is quickly a verb?
Answer: No, it is an adverb.

Question: What is the best adverb to describe 'sprint'?
Answer: The best adverb to describe sprint is quickly.

Question: Is boredly a word?
Answer: No, it is not.

Question: Which is the shortest word?
Answer: The shortest word is noun or verb.
