
Imperialism & Meiji Restoration

Guys inCharge

Question: What was the name used for the Japanese supreme military dictator before modernization?
Answer: The Shogun

Question: This man sailed into Tokyo bay with a letter from the American President to the Shogun.

Question: This President gave the letter to Commodore Perry to take to Japan.
Answer: President Millard Fillmore

Question: What name did Mutsuhito Take when he became Emperor?
Answer: Meiji

Question: Who were the Zaibatsu?
Answer: Powerful banking and industrial families

Before Modernization

Question: What was the name of the warrior class of Japan?
Answer: The Samurai?

Question: This means common culture and language
Answer: homogenous society

Question: Capital of Japan
Answer: Kyoto

Question: The term that means Japan was closed to the world for trade and travel.
Answer: Isolation

Question: Term for "enlightened rule"
Answer: Meji


Question: What did Mathew Perry demand from Japan in the name of the President?
Answer: He demanded Japan open its ports to American ships for diplomatic and economic exchange.

Question: How many ports did the Japanese open to trade?
Answer: They opened two ports to American Ships.

Question: What geographic feature allowed Japan to stay isolated for so long.
Answer: Japan is an archipelago or a collection of islands.

Question: Which model of constitution did Japan adapt for their modern government?
Answer: They adapted the German model.

Question: What was the First Sino-Japanese War?
Answer: A war between Japan and China to control Korea.

Japan in America

Question: Who was the writer and educator who came to America as the first Japanese diplomat?
Answer: Fukuzawa Yukichi

Question: Which city in America did he visit?
Answer: San Francisco

Question: What did the japanese diplomats where when they first arrived?
Answer: A pair of swords and rope sandals.

Question: What botheres the japanese diplomats about the rugs in the hotels?
Answer: They were very expensive and people wore their shoes in from the street and walked on the rugs.

Question: How did the diplomats describe the dancing of the Americans?
Answer: They said the ladies and gentlemen were hopping about the room together.

Japan Industrializes

Question: What did Meiji leaders make a priority in modern Japan?
Answer: The economy

Question: What were two changes in society that occurred after Japan adopted a modern constitution
Answer: Constitution ended legal distinctions between classes
Government set up schools and universities


Question: What happened to Korea in relation to Japan in 1910?

Answer: Japan made Korea a protectorate and then absorbed the kingdom into the Japanese empire until 1945.

Question: which country did Japan fight for domination in Korea and Manchuria and what was the war called?
Answer: They fought Russia and the war was called the Russo-Japanese War.