
Great Depression and New Deal

Crash of '29

Question: What do we call October 29, 1929, a day when stock prices fell dramatically?
Answer: Black Tuesday

Question: In any market, what do we call a dramatic over inflation in prices?
Answer: Bubble

Question: What do we call buying stock shares with borrowed money?
Answer: Buying on margin

Question: What term refers to having too much of a good on the market, reducing prices?
Answer: Overproduction

Question: What term refers to consumers not buying enough of a product to sustain suppliers?

Answer: Underconsumption


Question: What did economist John Maynard Keynes argue that governments should do in order to relieve sluggish economies?
Answer: Spend/stimulate

Question: What economic system, promising to bring equality for all, appealed to many Americans who were upset with the bad economy of the 1930s?
Answer: Communism

Question: Whom did many unemployed males blame for their economic problems during the Depression?
Answer: themselves

Question: Critics of FDR's New Deal reforms accused him of moving America toward...
Answer: Socialism or communism

Question: What environmental disaster added to the financial woes of mid westerners?
Answer: Dust Bowl


Question: What president had the misfortune to in office when the Depression started?

Answer: Herbert Hoover

Question: Who was the Democratic presidential candidate who won the 1932 election?
Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Question: What leader was rising to power in Germany during the 1930s, in part by blaming Jews for Germany's economic problems?
Answer: Adolph Hitler

Question: Who was the Soviet dictator who starved and executed large numbers of citizens in pushing his agricultural and industrial policies?

Answer: Joseph Stalin

Question: Which president believed in minimal government action to help the economy, believing that less government is better?
Answer: Herbert Hoover

Agencies and laws

Question: What 1930s law provided old-age pensions and unemployment insurance?

Answer: Social Security Act

Question: What phrase describes the idea that government should provide for the well-being of its citizens?
Answer: Welfare state

Question: What agency sought to bring economic development to a poor region of the country through dams, electricity, flood control, and river navigation?
Answer: Tennessee Valley Authority

Question: What federal agency insures our bank deposits?
Answer: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Question: What law guarantees workers a right to form unions and to bargain collectively?
Answer: National Labor Relations Act


Question: What mistake did the Federal Reserve make in responding to the stock market crash, making borrowing more expensive and reducing jobs and spending?

Answer: Raised interest rates

Question: What law led to higher taxes on imports, leading to retaliation by other countries and cutting American manufacturing?
Answer: Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

Question: What do we call the start of FDR's first two presidential terms, referring to rapid action by him and the Congress?
Answer: First Hundred Days

Question: What action did FDR take early on to restore confidence in the banking system?
Answer: Bank holiday (closed the banks)

Question: What term describes facilities built with tax dollars, despite the market not "needing" the projects to be built?

Answer: Public works