
Spanish Quiz For Adjectives


Question: Translate this word to english: Rosado
Answer: Pink

Question: What is the English word for alto?
Answer: Tall

Question: List all the colors in the rainbow in spanish
Answer: Rojo,Anaranjdo,Amarillo,Verde,Azul,Purpùreas

Question: How do you spell yellow in spanish?
Answer: Amarillo

Question: How do spell orange in spanish?
Answer: Anaranjado


Question: Translate this word to english: Grande
Answer: Big

Question: What is the difference between viejo and nuevo?
Answer: Nuevo means new and Viejo means old

Question: Why would you have to change the end of a adjective?
Answer: To change it to Plural,Femenine, or Masculuine

Question: Translate this: Cual la fecha?
Answer: What is the date.

Question: Translate summer and winter to spanish.
Answer: El Verano & El Invierno


Question: Translate this word to english: Anaranjado
Answer: Orange

Question: What is the difference between Negro and Blanco?
Answer: Negro is Black and Blanco is White

Question: Translate the sentence: El libro es verde y blanco.
Answer: The book is green and white.

Question: Say 100 in spanish
Answer: Cien

Question: How do you say "the seasons" in spanish?
Answer: Las estaciones


Question: Translate this word to english: Café
Answer: Brown

Question: True or False: The adjective comes before the noun.
Answer: False

Question: How do you say small in spanish?
Answer: Pequeño

Question: How do you say teacher in spanish (masculine)
Answer: Maestro

Question: How do you say "years" in spanish?
Answer: Años


Question: True or False: The spanish word for Green is morado
Answer: False

Question: What do you get when you mix Rojo and Blanco together?
Answer: You get the color pink

Question: How do you say very big?
Answer: Mucho Grande

Question: How do you say " It is raining." in spanish
Answer: Esta lloviendo.

Question: What is the weather outside today in spanish? Snowy,Sunny,Rainy or Cloudy
Answer: nublado,lluvioso,sol,nevado