
Jessie Wowk School Subjects


Question: What are your five senses?
Answer: Hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, and, smelling.

Question: Can you rely on your memory if you are a scientist and need to remember something important?
Answer: No!

Question: What is an inference?
Answer: An inference is a guess based on your background knowledge!
Inference: Arriving at a logical conclusion by looking at the evidence or factual knowledge.

Question: What are all the different kinds of variables? What do they mean?
Answer: Independent variable: something changed by the scientist.
Dependent variable: what happens to the independent variable.
Controlled variable: what the scientist wants to remain the same.

Question: There are many functions in a wetland. One of the functions we have is a filter. What is a filter in a wetland? What does it effect?
Answer: A filter in a wetland is the vegetation and plants that clean the water. It affects the water and animals because they drink it.

Social Studies

Question: What continent and country do we live in?
Answer: Continent: North America
Country: Canada

Question: Which hemispheres do we live in?
Answer: We live in the northern and western hemisphere!

Question: Is it true or false? Answer true or false for every question.

1. A thematic map is a map that is based on a theme.
2. A physical map is a map that has names of places and borders.
3. A relief map is a map that shows the elevation of land.
Answer: 1. True 2. False 3. True

Question: What are all the oceans? What are three the water bodies that border Canada?
Answer: Oceans: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean
The three water bodies that border Canada: The Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.

Question: Name five countries in Australia or Oceania. What is the largest country in Australia or Oceania?
Answer: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Micronesia, Nauru, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
Any of the above are correct.
The largest country in Australia or Oceania is Australia!


Question: What is 56 divided by 8?
Answer: 56 divided by 8 is seven.

Question: What is area and perimeter?
Answer: Area: The measurement inside a shape.
Perimeter: The measurement around/outside a shape.

Question: What is a composite number?
Answer: A composite number is a number that has two or more factors.

Question: What is the probability of having a math assignment due coming this Monday?
Answer: The probability of having a math assignment due coming this Monday is improbable or unlikely because we do not have school on Monday.

Question: How can you measure the hallway if you do not have a metre stick?
Answer: You could use a benchmark that represents one metre.


Question: Why do we need to learn French?

a) If you work in any government jobs you have to know English and French.
b) Canada's main languages are English and French.
c) Half of Canada speaks French.
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

Question: What would you say if somebody asked you, "Comment t'appelle tu?"

a) Bonjour!
b)Est'ce que je peux aller aux toilettes.
c) Je'mappelle ________________.
d) All of the above

Answer: c) Je'mappelle ________________.

Question: How do you say a blue sweater in French?
Answer: un pull bleu

Question: Answer this question in French: Est-ce que le 18 mars 2013 est mercredi?
Answer: Non, le 18 mars 2013 est lundi.

Question: Which of the following is correct if you wanted to say,"Today is Friday, March 1st, 2013" in French?

a) Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
b) Aujourd'hui c'est vendredi le 1 mars 2013.
c) Aujourd'hui c'est vendredi.
d) B and C

Answer: b)Aujourd'hui c'est vendredi le 1 mars 2013


Question: Is this a sentence?
Pens that are different colours.
Answer: This is not a sentence!

Question: Is this a run-on sentence?
The news was on the television but our set blew a tube we couldn't watch it.
Answer: Yes, this sentence is a run-on sentence!

Question: What are all the steps in the writing process? What is the difference between the second and third step of the writing process?
Answer: The Writing Process: Prewriting, Draft, Edit, Proofread, Publish, and Present.

The difference between editing and proofreading:
Editing is changing your writing to make it better (add descriptions, details, etc.)
Proofreading is to C.O.P.S. (Capitals, omissions, punctuations, and spelling) your work.

Question: What is another word for "a problem" in a story plot line and what is a climax?
Answer: Another word for "a problem" is crisis.
A climax is the most exciting part of a story.

Question: What is wrong in this sentence if I want it to be past tense?
The bird was so pretty but my friends are going home.
Answer: The sentence is supposed to be like this if I want it to be past tense:
The bird was so pretty but my friends were going home.