
AP US History Review III


Question: This economic theory is based on the concept of the private ownership of the means of production.
Answer: Capitalism

Question: October 29, 1929 was the day the stock market crashed. It also is known by this nickname.
Answer: Black Tuesday

Question: This tariff sought to protect and promote US manufacturing during the Great Depression, but probably just ended up making the Depression worse.
Answer: Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Question: This term refers to a business style that sees a company control every aspect of its product, from manufacturing to distribution.
Answer: Vertical integration

Question: This term refers to the practice of members of a corporate board of directors serving on the boards of multiple corporations.
Answer: Interlocking directorates


Question: After the patriotic fervor of WWI died down, the US had to resort to this method to fulfill its army's need for manpower.
Answer: Conscription/the draft

Question: After the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War, this parcel of land was taken over by the United States.
Answer: Mexican Cession

Question: This German navy policy ultimately wound up causing the United States to join the Allied side in WWI.
Answer: Unrestricted submarine warfare

Question: This brief conflict represented the anger "backcountry" Virginians felt towards the Tidewater elite in their colony.
Answer: Bacon's Rebellion

Question: This armed conflict between Native Americans and settlers in Massachusetts ultimately resulted in the elimination of Native Americans as a viable "threat" to colonists in New England.
Answer: Pequot War


Question: This territory, gained from Spain after the Spanish-American War, rebelled against American rule, ultimately resulting in the loss of over 600,000 lives.
Answer: The Philippines

Question: Seeking religious freedom and the separation of church and state, Roger Williams led his followers away from Massachusetts and formed this colony.
Answer: Rhode Island

Question: This piece of legislation created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing those territories to vote on the issue of slavery through popular sovereignty.
Answer: Kansas-Nebraska Act

Question: This territory was created to mediate many interstate disputes after Congress decided that existing states would not be able to lay claim to additional territory.
Answer: Northwest Territory

Question: This bit of territory was bought from Mexico in 1854 and added additional land to New Mexico and Arizona.
Answer: Gadsden Purchase

Colonial Times!

Question: These mostly-ignored acts became troublesome after the French and Indian War, when Great Britain decided to start enforcing them with greater consistency.
Answer: Navigation Acts

Question: This series of skirmishes near Boston marked the official beginning of fighting in the American Revolution.
Answer: Battles of Lexington and Concord

Question: This territory was originally intended to be a safe haven for English Catholics.
Answer: Maryland

Question: Tensions over the distribution of farmland, political representation, and income disparity wound up splitting this territory in two.
Answer: Carolina

Question: This conflict between Great Britain and Spain in the early-mid 1700s was ostensibly caused by Spanish coast guards boarding a British merchant vessel and disfiguring the captain.
Answer: War of Jenkins' Ear

Native Americans!

Question: This confederation of Virginian tribes were helpful to the Jamestown settlers before the relationship soured.
Answer: Powhatan

Question: The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred after the United States Army was called in to put a stop to this relatively new Native American religion.
Answer: Ghost Dance

Question: This act forced the "Five Civilized Tribes" to move off their land and into Indian Territory in the west.
Answer: Indian Removal Act

Question: This legislation passed by Congress offered US citizenship to Native Americans if they would settle onto farms, live apart from their tribes, and "assimilate" into American culture.
Answer: Dawes Severalty Act

Question: This British edict, issued shortly after the end of the French and Indian War, sought to stabilize relations with Native Americans by forbidding white settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Answer: Proclamation of 1763