
Cinderella Lesson

Academic Vocabulary.

Question: The people and/or animals that the story is about are.....
The characters Or The plot
Answer: Characters

Question: The setting tells...
The sequence of events or the time and location of the story
Answer: Time and location of the story

Question: The sequence of events in the story is called.....
The plot Or The resolution
Answer: The plot

Answer: the conflict

Question: The resolution for the conflict usually happens at the....
Beginning of the story Or End of the story
Answer: End of story

Academic Vocabulary.

Question: The order of events is called....
Sequence Or Compare/contrast
Answer: Sequence

Question: Is the story Cinderella fiction or nonfiction?
Answer: Fiction

Question: Is Cinderella an example of realistic fiction or fantasy?
Answer: Fantasy

Question: Telling the similarities and differences between characters is called....
Conflict/solution Or Compare/contrast
Answer: Compare/contrast

Question: What is one of the morals or lessons to be learned from story of Cinderella?
Magic can get you what you want Or Kindness and goodness will get you farther in life than wickedness and selfishness

Answer: Kindness and goodness will get you farther in life than wickedness and selfishness

Synonyms & Antonyms

Question: Are the following words synonyms or antonyms?
Poor Wealthy
Answer: Antonyms

Question: Are the following words synonyms or antonyms?
Slipper Shoe
Answer: Synonym

Question: Which word is a synonym for mean?
Kind or wicked
Answer: Wicked

Question: Which word is an antonym for happy?
Glad or sad
Answer: Sad

Question: Which word is a synonym for palace?
Castle or dungeon
Answer: Castle

Story Elements

Question: Where is the setting for the story Cinderella?
In England or a faraway kingdom
Answer: A faraway kingdom

Question: Which character is NOT in the story Cinderella?
Fairy Godmother
Answer: Wolf

Question: What is the conflict in the story Cinderella?
Cinderella isn't allowed to go to the ball.
Cinderella can't decide if she wants to marry the Prince.
Answer: Cinderella isn't allowed to go to the ball.

Question: How is the conflict resolved in the story Cinderella?
Her stepmother and stepsisters start being kind to Cinderella.
Cinderella marries the Prince.
Answer: Cinderella marries the Prince.

What is the genre for the story "Cinderella"?
Fairy Tale or Realistic Fiction
Answer: Fairy Tale

Before or After

Question: Did Cinderella ride the carriage before or after the stepsisters went to the ball?
Answer: After

Question: Did Cinderella meet her Fairy Godmother before or after she married the prince?
Answer: Before

Question: Did Cinderella work hard before or after she lived happily ever after?
Answer: Before

Question: Did Cinderella lose her slipper before or after she danced with the prince?
Answer: After

Question: Did the prince look for Cinderella before or after her stepmother and stepsisters were mean to her?
Answer: After