
Bugang Lao shi's Jeopardy Game for Chinese I

Lesson Two

Question: What is 你好 in English?
Answer: Hello, How do you do

Question: Translate:同学们好。
Answer: Hello, classmates

Question: What does 明天见mean?
Answer: See you tomorrow!

Question: What does 很好 mean?
Answer: very good!

Question: How do you say "Say it again"in Chinese?
Answer: 再说一遍/次。

Lesson Three

Question: How do you say "fifteen" in Chinese?
Answer: 十五

Question: What does 加 mean?
Answer: plus, to add.

Question: What does 第一 mean?
Answer: the first

Question: What does 一加二 mean?
Answer: one plus two

Question: Translate:十五减十等于五
Answer: 15-10=5

Lesson Four

Question: How do you say "Who/whom" in Chinese?

Question: Translate:请进
Answer: Come in please!

Question: How do you say "Who are you?"
Answer: 你是谁?

Question: What is "How old are you" in Chinese?
Answer: 你今年几岁?

Question: How do you say "In what animal year were you born?"
Answer: 你属什么?

Lesson Five

Question: How do you say "My" in Chinese?
Answer: 我的

Question: What is "desk" in Chinese?
Answer: 桌子

Question: How do you say "What is this" in Chinese?
Answer: 这是什么?

Question: How do you say"Whose is this "in Chinese?
Answer: 这是谁的?

Question: What are the four traditional tools for Chinese Calligraphy?
Answer: 纸、墨、笔、砚

Lesson Six

Question: How do you say "not have " in Chinese?
Answer: 没有

Question: What is "doctor" in Chinese?
Answer: 医生

Question: How do you say "There are three people in Bugang Laoshi's family"?
Answer: Bugang老师家有三个人。

Question: Translate:How may people in your family?
Answer: 你家有几个人?

Question: How do you say your "father's younger brother" in Chinese?
Answer: 叔叔