
Revolutionary Needs of the War

Question: When did the Revolutionary War begin?
Answer: What is 1775

Question: Name the state's beverage.
Answer: What is Milk

Question: In what year was the city of brotherly love founded, by William Penn
Answer: What is 1681

Question: How many inhabiitants were in Philadelphia in 1681?
Answer: What is 50

Question: What river was crossed during the Revolutionary War to ambush a band of English soldiers?
Answer: What is the Delware River

Question: What was the underlined reason for the war?
Answer: What is no taxation without representation

Question: How many colonies were represented in the Continental Congress?
Answer: What is 13

Question: Who was the 1st man shot in the Boston Masscre
Answer: Chrispus Attucks

Question: acn
Answer: mjk

Question: jklj
Answer: lkl

Question: jkj
Answer: mlk

Question: olp
Answer: plo

Question: 123
Answer: 456

Question: 1215
Answer: 2154

Question: love
Answer: peace

Question: lol
Answer: ijs

Question: 123
Answer: 789

Question: pli
Answer: pop

Question: was
Answer: ghad

Question: 145
Answer: 789

Question: courtney
Answer: mhyeisha

Question: joy
Answer: elle

Question: big
Answer: pop

Question: done
Answer: vase

Question: make
Answer: up