


Question: How long does it take to metabolize one drink?
Answer: Slightly less than one standard drink per hour

Question: What is the MAIN site of alcohol metabolism?
Answer: Liver

Question: What is the MAIN site of alcohol absorption?
Answer: Small intestines

Question: What are FIVE factors that determine how quickly alcohol is absorbed?
Answer: Body weight
Percent of body fat (BMI)
Metabolism rate
Food in the stomach
Alcohol concentration in the drink
How much
How fast

Question: Name TWO sites in the body where a small portion of non-metabolized alcohol is excreted?
Answer: Lungs


Question: What does "BAC" stand for?
Answer: Blood Alcohol Concentration

Question: What is the measure of the percentage of alcohol by volume in a beverage called?
Answer: Proof

Question: If an alcoholic beverage is 100 proof, what percent of alcohol by volume does it contain?
Answer: Have of the proof or 50% alcohol

Question: True or False:
Breath analysis and urinalysis are used to measure alcohol concentration, because it is related to the alcohol concentration in the blood.
Answer: True

Question: How many ounces of pure alcohol does a standard drink ( 12 oz. beer, 5 oz. wine, or 1 1/2 oz. liquor) contain?
Answer: 0.6 ounce of pure alcohol


Question: What drug group does alcohol belong to?
Answer: CNS Depressants

Question: What is the intoxicating substance (drug) found in alcoholic beverages?
Answer: Ethyl Alcohol or Ethanol

Question: Truth or Myth:
If you drink an energy drink or coffee when you are drunk, you will sober up.
Answer: Myth

Question: Identify FOUR effects that alcohol has on the brain.
Answer: Impaired decision-making
Decreased reaction time and coordination
Decreased inhibitions
Increased aggression
Decreased respirations
Memory loss

Question: What is cirrhosis?
Answer: A liver disease caused by heavy alcohol use.


Question: What is consuming five or more drinks for men or four or more drinks for women in about 2 hours is called?
Answer: Binge drinking

Question: Truth or Myth:
When a person passes out after drinking, alcohol stops being absorbed into their system.
Answer: Myth

Question: TWO things you should do if you come in contact with a person who has been drinking and is unconscious.
Answer: Turn them on their side
Check for breathing
Call 911
Do not leave them alone

Question: Truth or Myth:
Alcohol does not diffuse as rapidly into body fat as into body tissues, therefore BAC is higher in those with more body fat.
Answer: Truth

Question: Which racial/ethnic group has a 2 - 3 times higher rate of alcoholism than the national average and an 8 times greater risk for death due to alcohol-related causes?
Answer:  Native American populations (American Indians and Alaska Natives)


Question: Which recovery program consists of self-help groups and follows a 12-step program?
Answer: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Question: What is it called when the nervous system adapts over time, so greater amounts of alcohol are required to produce the same effects?
Answer: Tolerance

Question: What is the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism or alcohol dependence?
Answer: Alcohol Abuse has negative consequences (work, school, relationships, DUI).

Alcoholism or Alcohol Dependence results when personal and health problems related to alcohol use are severe and stopping alcohol use causes withdrawal symptoms.

Question: What does "FAS" stand for?
Answer: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Question: What are delirium tremens (DTs)?
Answer: A medical emergency with confusion, delusions, agitation, and hallucinations during detoxification (withdrawal) from alcohol.