
Alcohol Game


Question: What is a drug?
Answer: Chemical substance that is taken to cause changes in a person's body or behavior.

Question: What is a depressant?
Answer: A drug that slows brain and body reactions.

Question: What is intoxication?
Answer: State in which a person's mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol or another drug.

Question: What is a hangover?
Answer: After effects of drinking to much alcohol.

Question: What does BAC mean?
Answer: Amount of alcohol in a person's blood.

Effects of Intoxication

Question: When brain activity slows down or reflexes become sluggish it effects...
Answer: The nervous system

Question: Drinkers lose more water from the body than usual effects the...
Answer: Excretory system

Question: When the heart rate and blood pressure is increased it effects the...
Answer: Cardiovascular system

Question: An effect of vomiting could be of the...
Answer: Digestive system

Question: True or False
Intoxication causes many negative effects on a drinkers body
Answer: True


Question: What does BAC stand for?
Answer: Blood alcohol concentration

Question: True or False
Larger people feel the affects of alcohol more than smaller people
Answer: False

Question: True or False
Males have a lower BAC than females
Answer: True

Question: True or False
Drinking on an empty stomach increases the rate of alcohol absorption
Answer: True

Question: What are the four factors that affect BAC?
Answer: Rate of consumption, gender, body size, and amount of food in the stomach

Behavior Effects

Question: True or False
Alcohol decreases a drinker's natural fears
Answer: True

Question: A person who drinks a lot of alcohol may suffer a...
Answer: blackout

Question: True or False
Blackouts only happen to first-time drinkers
Answer: False

Question: Do drinkers behave in ways they normally wouldn't?
Answer: Yes

Question: True or False
The following day a drinker remembers everything they did the day before
Answer: False


Question: What does DWI stand for?
Answer: Driving while intoxicated

Question: An overdose could lead to a
Answer: Coma or death

Question: What is binge drinking?
Answer: Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in one siting

Question: True or False
Attitudes of peers, family,and the media strongly influence underage drinking
Answer: True

Question: Problems with alcohol later in life, long - term brain damage, and being injured or killed in a crash are all...
Answer: Risks of underage drinking