
Spanish Exploreres

Christopher Columbus

Question: The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.
Answer: What were the names of the ships Columbus used to explore?

Question: The reason he kept two set of log books: one with imaginary miles and others with real miles.
Answer: How Columbus kept his men from getting worried about the length of the trip?

Question: The people who finally decided to fund Columbus's journey after six long years of trying.
Answer: Who are King Ferdninand and Queen Isabella?

Question: this is the book that inspired him to reach and visit new lands.
Answer: What is "The Adventures of Marco Polo"?

Question: Columbus was determined to reach the Spice Islands, to trade for spices and other goods, and to teach people about Christianity by sailing in this direction.
Answer: What is west across the great western ocean?

Juan Ponce de Leon and Amerigo Vespucci

Question: He claimed Florida for Spain, named Florida, and went in search of this, beleieved to make people young again.
Answer: What is the Fountain of Youth?

Question: Ponce de Leon traveled with this Spanish explorer and later deciding to stay in the New world and begin a search of his own.
Answer: Who is Christopher Columbus?

Question: Ponce de Leon was also in search of this during his explorations of the New World.
Answer: What is gold and riches?

Question: This Spanish explorer believed that North and South America were two separate continents.

Answer: Who is Amerigo Vespucci?

Question: Amerigo Vespucci was from this country, that was not yet interested in exploration during this time period.
Answer: What is Italy?

Ferdidnand Magellan

Question: Magellan had difficulty following certain routes to Asia, because this country controlled the route to the east.
Answer: What is Portugal?

Question: Magellan believed and searched for a strait near the tip of this continent?
Answer: What is South America?

Question: Spain wanted to begin trading for spices with Asia, which prompted Magellan to sail in this direction to find a way to the Spice Islands.
Answer: What is west?

Question: THe body of water that Magellan sailed on to make it to the Philipines?
Answer: What is the Pacific Ocean?

Question: Though Magellan never made to the Spice Islands past the Philippines, he was given credit for being the first person to sail around the world because of this.
Answer: How his crew made it to the Spice Islands and back without him?

Hernando Cortes'

Question: Cortes' was in search of gold and riches, he however became very interested in this as well.
Answer: What is conquering land?

Question: This is the land and empire that was conquered by Cortes'.
Answer: What is the Aztec Empire in Mexico?

Question: When Cortes' arrived in the Aztec City of Tenochtilan, the Aztecs believed Cortes to be this.
Answer: What is a god?

Question: Despite being welcomed into the Aztec city, Cortes' and his men captured this Aztec ruler.
Answer: Who is Montezuma?

Question: This happened as a result of the Aztec ruler, Montezuma being killed.
Answer: What is Cortes conquering and controlling the Aztec city?

Hernando De Soto and Isabella I

Question: These were the two most powerful parts of Spain.
Answer: What is Castile and Aragon?

Question: Isabella became one of the most powerful women in the world, helping to bring two kingdoms together after doing this.
Answer: What is marrying King Ferdinand?

Question: Hernando de Soto explored this region of the New World.
Answer: What is the southeastern states to the Mississippi River?

Question: This is how de Soto treated the Native American tribes.
Answer: What is badly, as he fought and stole from them?

Question: de Soto explored this state during his expeditions in the New World.
Answer: What is Florida?