
Chapter 15 section 1 test

Facts about Alcohol

Question: Name something that is caused when alcohol slows the body.
Answer: One of the five: confusion, decreased alertness, poor coordination, blurred vision, and drowsiness.

Question: Name the vital functions that are affected when a person drinks a lot of alcohol.
Answer: increased heartbeat and breathing

Question: What microorganisms are used to create alcohol during fermentation?
Answer: yeast

Question: What is the range of alcohol content for alcoholic beverages?
Answer: 4% to 50%

Question: How do you calculate alcohol content?
Answer: Multiply drink volume by percent alcohol.

Teens and Alcohol

Question: True or False. Teens mistakenly believe that everyone is drinking.
Answer: true

Question: Do the majority or minority of teens want help from their parents over alcohol use?
Answer: majority

Question: True or False. Alcohol advertisements only appeal to adults.
Answer: false

Question: How high is underage drinking when it comes to teen deaths?
Answer: the leading cause

Question: What is the most drastic thing an officer can do with a teen drinking and driving besides arresting them?
Answer: seizing their car.

Physical and Behavioral Effects

Question: Why does alcohol get people drunk?
Answer: It is not digested in the stomach.

Question: How long does it take for alcohol to get in the bloodstream?
Answer: minutes

Question: True or False. Intoxication impaires the senses when you only drink alcohol.
Answer: false.

Question: What does drinking make people do?
Answer: Things they never would consider.

Question: Do people that were drunk remember what happened?
Answer: No

Blood Alcohol Concentration

Question: What is the measurement of alcohol in the bloodstream?
Answer: Blood Alcohol Concentration

Question: What gender needs less alcohol to get drunk?
Answer: Females

Question: What range of Blood Alcohol Concentration usually causes vomiting?
Answer: 0.12-0.15

Question: Does a person's Blood Alcohol Concentration diminish as soon as they stop drinking?
Answer: Yes.

Question: What is the way to prevent a hangover?
Answer: Not drink alcohol.

Life-Threatening Effects

Question: Name one of the three things intoxication increases the risk of dying from.
Answer: One of these: motor vehicle crashes, alcohol overdoses, and interactions with alcohol and other drugs.

Question: What percentage of fatal motor vehicle crashes are alcohol involved in?
Answer: 40%

Question: How do law enforcement measure Blood Alcohol Concentration without a breath alcohol testing device?
Answer: They take a blood sample.

Question: True or False. Drinkers usually pass out before drinking a fatal amount of alcohol.
Answer: False.

Question: True or False. Sleeping pills double the strength of alcohol.
Answer: True.