


Question: Is alcohol a depressant
Answer: Yes

Question: What is alcohol
Answer: Alcohol is different drinks that adults drink when they go to a bar or a club

Question: Do some teens drink alcohol
Answer: Yes

Question: What does alcohol cause?
Answer: Heart rate and blood pressure increases kidneys increase

Question: Is there a task of drinking alcohol
Answer: Yes people that are drinking under the influence will get their licenses taking away


Question: Does drinking effect your physical and behavioral
Answer: Yes because People lose judgement and self control

Question: What is blood alcohol concentration
Answer: It is the amount of alcohol in your blood

Question: Why is drinking alcohol a life threatening thing
Answer: Because you can get in a bad car crash and you might not live

Question: Can you overdose on alcohol
Answer: Yes you can overdose on alcohol it's called alcohol poisoning

Question: Can alcohol do any damage to your body
Answer: It can give your brain damage and liver damage

Don't drink

Question: Why do people drink alcohol
Answer: People drink alcohol to fit in the group they are hanging out with

Question: Can you get alcoholism from drinking a lot of alcohol and wine and any other beer product
Answer: Yes because some people can no longer control it

Question: How many stages are there in alcoholism
Answer: There are three stages in alcoholism

Question: What are the three alcoholism stages
Answer: Stage 1 problem drinking stage 2 absolute dependence stage 3 late stage of alcoholism

Question: Does alcohol put an effect on others in your life
Answer: Yes it does it can relate to crimes

Drinking is bad

Question: Is drinking alcohol that bad for your health
Answer: Yes because you have so many risk that can happen

Question: Is drinking bad for you health and your family's health
Answer: Yes

Question: Drink is so bad for health why is that
Answer: Cause you can have a brain damage and a liver damage by drinking a lot of alcohol

Question: Why do people that drink talk to you to drink with them
Answer: They want you to see if you will say yes or no and to see if you are cool like them

Question: Why do people think drinking is good for you
Answer: Because they don't know what it is going to do to you in the future


Question: Do you have to go to rehab if you can't control your drinking habit
Answer: Yes you will go to a rehab for that and they will help you

Question: Does rehab help some people when they go for drinking
Answer: Yes it does help some people that want help

Question: Why don't some people go to rehab to get help for their drinking problem
Answer: Because they don't want help from other people

Question: Why do people think that everybody that goes to rehab that it don't help them
Answer: Because they never been through it before

Question: Do you think that people that have a drinking problem should go to rehab
Answer: Yes because it might help them