
Animal Farm Chapters 4 and 5


Question: This character is too busy worrying about herself to work.
Answer: Mollie

Question: This character is willing to do whatever it takes to get the work done.
Answer: Boxer

Question: Who tells Boxer, "you must be ready to die for Animal Farm".
Answer: Snowball

Question: Who is never seen working or fighting to defend Animal Farm?
Answer: Napoleon

Question: What animal was concerned that the commandments had changed from seven to one, and why?
Answer: The birds were thinking they fell into 2 feet "bad" category, but Snowball convinced them that they had no hands and that wings counted as legs.


Question: What does perpetually mean? (pg. 34)
Answer: Continually....ongoing at all times

Question: What does sentimentality mean? (pg. 37)
Answer: Having and showing emotions for your thoughts or actions.

Question: What does unanimously mean? (pg. 38)
Answer: Everyone in a voting party agrees in the same manner.

Question: What does innovations mean? (pg. 42)
Answer: Using new technology, ideas, or methods to create something cutting edge

Question: What does menacing mean? (pg. 47)
Answer: Threatening, something striking fear in another

Look! It is "snowing"!

Question: What does it mean if you "snow" someone?
Answer: You trick them in some manner in which they do not even know they are BEING tricked.

Question: Who is running the weekly meetings and why do they fall into the "snow" category?
Answer: The pigs are the ones giving all the orders. They are also the ones coming up with the resolutions. They are also the ones that plan everything for EVERYONE else, but none of the other animals even CARE....they just play along not realizing they are being SNOWED!

Question: What two items does Squealer convince the other animals that only the pigs need to eat?
Answer: Milk and apples....all of them!

Question: During the farmers revolt to reclaim the farm, they are "snowed" by the animals. When?
Answer: After the first line of attack. The farmers think the animals are RETREATING so therefore, the farmers have won. Really the animals are retreating so that they can go around BEHIND the farmers and trap them. They are "snowing" the farmers into thinking they have the upper hand, but the animals do!

Question: The animals decide to create something to remember Boxer and Snowball's heroic behavior at the Battle of the Cowshed. What was made and who is "snowing" whom?
Answer: They created a Animal Hero pin to be warn each year. Snowball suggests this and has it made, and none of the animals ask about why it would be OK to wear it like HUMANS. The animals are being "snowed" by Snowball.


Question: What was the name of the farm BEFORE The animals took over?
Answer: Manor Farm

Question: What is the term that describes the type of writing this book is told in?
Answer: An allegory is a basic story that has a much deeper, hidden meaning.

Question: What is Foxwood?
Answer: The name of the neighboring farm owned by Mr. Pilkington

Question: What are three methods that dictator use to control their people?
Answer: Violence, military groups, and a total disregard for the humans they rule

Question: What one action was the final straw that drove the animals to revolt in the first place?
Answer: Starvation and lack of care from Mr. Jones, who was usually drunk and often forgot to feed the animals.

Dictators of the World

Question: This is the past dictator of Uganda?
Answer: Idi Amin

Question: This is the current leader of Syria.
Answer: Bashar al Assad

Question: This past dictator of Haiti, kept the population in total poverty, while he stole millions of dollars for his personal use.
Answer: "Papa Doc" Duvalier

Question: This dictator has been in the news lately claiming he has nuclear weapons that are capable of reaching and destroying the U.S.
Answer: Kim Jong Un from North Korea

Question: Who is the closest ruling dictator to the United States currently?
Answer: Fidel Castro from the island of Cuba