
Later Medieval Europe

Popes and Kings

Question: The pope had the power to remove a person from the church in a process called this:
Answer: Excommunication


TRUE or FALSE: The pope was seen as powerful because he was seen as God’s representative on Earth.



Question: A king had the power to collect what from his citizens.
Answer: Taxes

Question: This Pope excommunicated Michael Cerularius, causing the Great Schism which split Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism.
Answer: Pope Leo IX

Question: This Emperor was excommunicated by Pope Gregory VII because he felt that bishops should be selected by local rulers and not the pope.
Answer: Emperor Henry IV


Question: The Crusades was a series of wars and battles between _______ and Christians.
Answer: Muslims

Question: The fighting between Muslims and Christians was for control of this region.
Answer: Holy Land/Jerusalem

Question: Which of these is NOT a reason that Christians fought in the Crusades?
--They wanted to save their souls
--The possibility of receiving money and land
--They wanted to leave Europe because of the Black Plague
--They wanted an adventure
Answer: --They wanted to leave Europe because of the Black Plague

Question: True or False: Saladin was the leader of the Christians during the Second Crusades.
Answer: False

Question: One of the lasting effects of the Crusades was that trade increased between these two continents.
Answer: Asia and Europe

Christianity and Medieval Society

Question: Politically, the church was able to become much more powerful because they were able to acquire or get a large amount of what.
Answer: Land

Question: The art of Later Medieval Europe focused on what topic.
Answer: Religion/Christianity

Question: The church was the first to open these, which had clergy as teachers and where instruction was done in Latin.
Answer: Universities

Question: This is the name of a group of people who dedicated their lives to religion and followed common rules
Answer: Religious Order

Question: This is a group of People who followed a religious order but lived and worked among the public
Answer: Friar

Political and Social Change

Question: Who was forced to sign the Magna Carta?
Answer: The King of England

Question: What governmental body, made up of a council of nobles, was created under the Magna Carta?
Answer: Parliament

Question: Who fought against each other in the Hundred Years War?
Answer: England and France

Question: Between England and France, which country's king became more powerful because of the Hundred Years War?
Answer: France

Question: The manor system fell apart because of what?
Answer: Black Death

Challenges to the Church

Question: What is heresy?
Answer: Having thoughts and practices that differ from accepted church teachings

Question: Christians were able retake control of Spain from the Moors during this effort.
Answer: Reconquista

Question: The main goal of the Spanish Inquisition was to remove people who did not practice what religion.
Answer: Christianity

Question: Heretics could look forward to what types of punishment by the church.
Answer: Torture, fines, imprisonment, death

Question: Name one way that Jews were punished for their beliefs.
Answer: Banished from cities/countries, blamed for the black death, angry mobs