
Robert Waldman


Question: How many siblings does Robert have?
Answer: What is three siblings.

Question: Why was Robert's father exempt from the draft?
Answer: What is he was an FBI agent.

Question: Robert had three uncles in the military. Name the job of one.
Answer: Possible answers:

What is a doctor in the navy.
What is a lieutenant in the navy.
What is a soldier in the army.

Question: Were any of Robert's family members killed during the war?
Answer: What is none of Robert's uncles that were serving were killed. Though, Robert's grandma lost a lot of Jewish family members in Europe.

Question: Robert's uncle had issues with burns on his hands for what reason?
Answer: What is Robert's uncle tested the atomic bomb. From being around radiation a lot, he got radiation burns.


Question: Robert played football in what season?
Answer: What is Winter.

Question: Define a "serial."
Answer: What is a 15 minute long radio show, where the story continued everyday?

Question: What instrument did Robert learn to play?
Answer: What is Robert played the accordion for a few years before quitting.

Question: How much money did it cost to go to a baseball game?
Answer: What is 50 cents.

Question: How did Robert and his family get free tickets to MLB games?
Answer: What is Robert and his family would wait outside a radio program. Here, the program would give out tickets to the baseball game that afternoon.

Effects of the War

Question: What was Robert's dad's job during WWII?
Answer: What is a FBI agent who caught spies.

Question: What way was Robert's town effected as a whole?
Answer: What is because gas was rationed, many buses didn't operate.

Question: Name two things that were rationed in Robert's town.
Answer: Possible answers:
What is gas, rubber products, cars, shoes, gasoline.

Question: What was a paper drive, and where did they have them?
Answer: What is a paper drive happened in schools. Kids would bring in old newspapers and have contests to see which classes would get the most paper.

Question: Name two main ways Robert's family was effected by the war.
Answer: Possible Answers:
What is he had relatives in the war.
What is many items were rationed to make it hard for his family.
What is his mother lost many relatives in the war.


Question: What two people were presidents during WWII?
Answer: Who is Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt.

Question: What was a memorable, and important event for Robert during the war?
Answer: What is the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima.

Question: What was the big thing that Harry Truman did with the army?
Answer: What is Harry Truman desegregated the army.

Question: During WWII, how were thoughts changed on segregation?
Answer: What is during all the fighting in WWII, whites saw that blacks could fight and do everything just as well as they could. It started new thoughts on segregation.

Question: What was so exciting about the 1948 presidential election?
Answer: What is everyone thought Thomas Dewey would win the election against Harry Truman. Polling stopped a few weeks before the election, because they were sure Thomas Dewey would win. Despite that, Harry Truman won. It was a very memorable election.

Grab Bag

Question: What was Robert's favorite sport?
Answer: What is basball.

Question: How old was Robert when the war started/ended?
Answer: What is 5 when it started, 9 when it ended.

Question: What is a gold star mother?
Answer: What is a mother where their son was lost in the war. They had gold stars in the windows.

Question: Where did Robert grow up?
Answer: What is Philadelphia.

Question: Why would Robert leave school two weeks early at the end of the year, and come back two weeks late?
Answer: What is Robert's family rented a beach house in New Jersey. They would leave early and come back late from school. Robert didn't know any different.