
Earth's Crust Review


Question: This is a shaking of Earth caused by sudden breaking of large blocks of rock in Earth’s crust.
Answer: Earthquake

Question: These are the edges where plates meet.
Answer: Boundaries

Question: This type of boundry happens when plates slide along side each other.
Answer: Transform Boundary

Question: This machine is used to measure the magnitude of Earthquakes.
Answer: Seismograph (Richter Scale)

Question: The first place rocks break below Earth's surface in an earthquake is called this.
Answer: The Focus


Question: This mountain range runs through Alberta.
Answer: Rocky Mountains

Question: This is a part of Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land around it.
Answer: Mountain

Question: This type of fold goes down like a bowl.
Answer: Anticline Fold

Question: Cracks found in the sides of mountains are also known as this.
Answer: Faults

Question: This kind of fold goes up like a hill.
Answer: Syncline Fold


Question: Soil is a mix of minerals, organic material, and these.
Answer: Rocks

Question: These basic materials living things need to survive are found in soil.
Answer: Nutrients

Question: This word describes how smooth or sharp the soil is.
Answer: Texture

Question: This kind of soil has the right mix of minerals, organic matter, and rocks to support healthy plant growth.
Answer: Fertile soil

Question: These allow air and water to travel through soil.
Answer: Pores

Weathering & Erosion

Question: This is the movement of rock materials and soil by water, wind, or ice.
Answer: Erosion

Question: This process wears down rocks and other objects.
Answer: Weathering

Question: This weathering happens when rock is broken apart by physical forces, such as wind or water.

Answer: Mechanical weathering

Question: This weathering happens when water in the air combines with chemical substances in the air.

Answer: Chemical weathering

Question: This natural disaster happens because of water erosion.
Answer: Landslides


Question: This is a rock made of cooled lava.
Answer: Igneous rock

Question: This word describes the color a rock appears to be when put in light.
Answer: Lustre

Question: This is a rock with many layers.
Answer: Sedimentary

Question: This is the color a rock leaves behind when it is dragged along a surface.
Answer: Streak

Question: These rocks eventually become metamorphic rocks.
Answer: Igneous or Sedimentary