
Social Studies 7 Review


Question: Define anthropology
Answer: Study of people

Question: Define archaeology
Answer: study of artifacts

Question: Define geography
Answer: study of how people interact with the environment

Question: Define psychology
Answer: study of the mind

Question: Define sociology
Answer: the study of society and how people interact in groups


Question: What is latitude?
Answer: Measure north and south of the equator

Question: What is longitude?
Answer: measure east and west of the prime meridian

Question: What does a topographical map show?
Answer: Elevation

Question: What type of map uses color to show boundaries?
Answer: political map

Question: What are the three things you need to live?
Answer: 1. food 2.water 3.shelter


Question: What tribe practiced human sacrifice?
Answer: The Aztecs

Question: How did the first people get to North America?
Answer: The Land Bridge

Question: What group devised a very accurate calendar?
Answer: Mayans

Question: The Incas had a great network of ...
Answer: Roads

Question: List the 5 tribes of the Iroquois
Answer: COOMS- Cayuga,Onondaga,Oneida,Mohawk,and Seneca

The Colonies

Question: List the found of Maryland
Answer: Lord Baltimore

Question: What were the cash crops of the south?
Answer: Tobacco, cotton, indigo, and rice

Question: Georgia was founded for...
Answer: debtors

Question: List the middle colonies.
Answer: NY, NJ, Penn, Del.

Question: Massachusetts Bay was founded by
Answer: The Puritans and John Winthrop

American Revolution

Question: Most important cause of the American Revolution?
Answer: French and Indian war

Question: This taxed glass
Answer: Townshend Act

Question: Leader of the Sons of Liberty
Answer: Sam Adams

Question: American traitor
Answer: Benedict Arnold

Question: The turning point of the American Revolution?
Answer: Battle of Saratoga