
US History

Branches of Government

Question: What Branch of Government makes the laws?
Answer: Legislative Branch

Question: What branch of government is the president in?
Answer: Executive

Question: How many US senators are there?
Answer: 100- 2 per state

Question: What branch has the power to impeach the president?
Answer: Legislative- House of Representatives

Question: What is the branch of government that can declare war?
Answer: Legislative Branch

Bill of Rights

Question: What right does the first amendment protect.
Answer: speech, petition, assembly, religion, press

Question: What amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms.
Answer: 2

Question: What does eminent domain mean?
Answer: power to take personal property to benefit the public.

Question: What does double jeopardy mean and what amendment protects against it?
Answer: you cannot be tried for the same crime twice

Question: List the 10 amendments
Answer: 1. Freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, assembly
2. right to bear arms
3. no quartering soldiers
4. no unreasonable search and seizures
5. cannot be forced to testify against yourself, eminent domain, double jeopardy
6. speedy trial
7. juries can decide civil cases
8. right to bail, no cruel and unusual punishments
9. rights listed are not the only rights people have
10. rights not given to the federal government belong to the states.


Question: What does suffrage mean?
Answer: right to vote

Question: Patriot
Answer: supported separating from Britain

Question: circumnavigate
Answer: go all the way around

Question: charter
Answer: document giving permission to start a colony

Question: middle passage
Answer: voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure.

American Revolution

Question: Why did some colonists want to separate from Great Britain?
Answer: unfair taxes, too far away, quartering of soldiers

Question: What was the Boston Tea Party?

Answer: When the colonists were upset with the tax on tea. They dumped it in the Boston Harbor.

Question: Who was the leader of the Continental Army?
Answer: George Washington

Question: What were the main points of the Declaration of Independence?
Answer: Everyone is born with certain rights- life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
King violated the rights of colonists by passing unfair taxes
Colonists had the right to break free from Britain, because king violated the social contract

Question: What was the last battle of the American Revolution.
Answer: Battle of Yorktown


Question: Who was the first President of the US?
Answer: Washington

Question: This person authorized the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Answer: Thomas Jefferson

Question: What President passed the Indian Removal Act
Answer: Andrew Jackson

Question: What did Washington warn about in his farewell address?
Answer: dangers of political parties, stay clear of alliances with foreign countries, too much debt

Question: Who passed the Monroe Doctrine and what does it say?
Answer: James Monroe- US will not interfere in the affairs of Europe
US will recognize and not interfere with European colonies that already exist
Western Hemisphere is off limits to future colonization
any violation will be seen as an hostile act