
AIS Review Unit 1


Question: How did Paleolithic man survive?
Answer: nomadic lifestyle, hunters and gatherers

Question: where did humans originate?
Answer: East Africa, Great Rift Valley

Question: what are 2 achievements of Paleolithic man?
Answer: language, control of fire, crude stone tools

Question: Define/describe the Neolithic Revolution
Answer: Invention of planting crops and domesticating animals...agriculture

Question: Why is the Neolithic Revolution considered a turning point in history?
Answer: Because it changed the way man lived. Moving from a nomadic hunting and gathering lifestyle to growing food, domesticating animals- creating a reliable supply of food. This change resulted in the development of permanent settlements and the rise of civilization


Question: This person studies artifacts to understand the prehistoric times- early life
Answer: archaeologist

Question: This person studies the way people meet their basic needs. They study markets, financial systems
Answer: Economists

Question: this person studies the culture of early people, how they lived etc...
Answer: anthropologists

Question: What is Mary Leakey and the Leakey family known for?
Answer: Their discovery of early hominids in Africa. Famous archaeologist. Laotoli Africa

Question: This scientist studies fossils...the remains of early forms of life, both plant and animal. (Ross on Friends)
Answer: paleontologist


Question: What does Mesopotamia literally mean?
Answer: The land between 2 rivers

Question: What 2 rivers make up Mesopotamia?
Answer: The Tigris and Euphrates rivers

Question: Why is Mesopotamia considered the "cradle" of civilization?
Answer: Because it was the world's first civilization

Question: Name 3 achievements of the Mesopotamians:
Answer: Cuneiform, irrigation system, wheel, plow, Ziggurats, created the world's first epic (The Epic of Gilgamesh), first legal code (Hammurabi's)

Question: Name 3 of the 4 people listed in the "Mesopotamians" song and what they are known for:
Answer: Sargon- 1st empire builder, Hammurabi- developed the 1st legal code, Ashurbanipal- built great city of Ninevah, Gilgamesh- 1st Epic, epic of Gilgamesh

Other River Valleys

Question: Give 2 reasons why early civilizations settled along river valleys?
Answer: 1) Fertile soil 2)trade,travel, transportation 3)water for irrigation/crops

Question: What 2 unique characterstics about the Nile River?
Answer: 1) The Nile flows north and the wind blows south 2)Longest river in the world 3) annual, predictable flooding 4)Cataracts (rapids, waterfalls) provide natural protection from invaders in the south.

Question: The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro along the Indus River Valley are known for their?
Answer: Indoor plumbing/sewage systems and grid-like layout of their cities

Question: Name 2 achievements of the Ancient Egyptians:
Answer: Great Pyramids of Giza, hieroglyphics, theocratic-centralized gov't under the pharaoh, mummification

Question: Name all 4 river valley civilizations, and along what rivers they are located?
Answer: Mesopotamia - Tigris and Euphrates, Ancient Egypt - Nile River, Harappa Mohenjo Daro - Indus Valley, China - Yellow River Valley


Question: Define cultural diffusion
Answer: The spread of ideas, goods, technology from one group to another.

Question: Explain the difference between monotheism and polytheism
Answer: Monotheism= belief in 1 god
Polytheism= belief in more than 1 god

Question: Define "golden age"
Answer: A time of peace, prosperity and advancement

Question: what is the earliest organized religion to develop in India. It is still the most practiced religion in India today

Question: List 3 characteristics of a civilization
Answer: complex institutions like: Government, organized religion, social classes, art and architecture, cities, system of writing , job specialization (different jobs), infrastructure (roads, bridges, temples, and other public works)