
Cosner Ancient India


Question: South Asia extends into this ocean.
Answer: Indian

Question: The mountains found in northern India, containing Mount Everest, the world's highest peak.
Answer: The Himalayas

Question: The seasonal winds that cause Indian's wet and dry seasons are known by this name.
Answer: Monsoons

Question: The term used for a large landmass that is smaller than a continent, but is separated from the main landmass by physical barriers, such as mountains. This is what India is to Asia.
Answer: Subcontinent

Question: The most fertile river in the world flows from the Himalayas into the Indian Ocean
Answer: The Ganges River.

Empires of Ancient India

Question: The Harrapan culture developed in the valley of this river.
Answer: The Indus River.

Question: The first major empire in Ancient India
Answer: The Mauryan Empire

Question: The founder of the Mauryan Empire
Answer: Chandragupta

Question: The gentle ruler, who led to the rise of Buddhism and the fall of the Mauryan empire
Answer: Asoka

Question: The Golden Empire of India, built wealth from trade and religious pilgrims
Answer: The Gupta Empire

Caste System

Question: The religion from which the Caste System arose
Answer: Hinduism

Question: The highest level in the caste system- the name, and the job.
Answer: Brahmins- priests

Question: The lowest level in the caste system
Answer: The Dalits- Untouchables- do the dirty work of the cities

Question: The warriors in the caste system
Answer: Ksatriyas

Question: The farmers in the caste system
Answer: The sudras


Question: The belief in many gods, which is true for Hinduism is known as
Answer: polytheism

Question: The belief that one's soul will be reborn into something else (found in Hinduism and Buddhism)
Answer: reincarnation

Question: Hindu scriptures include these documents
Answer: Vedas

Question: This practice believes that salvation comes from knowing the "Four Noble Truths" and following the "Eightfold Path"
Answer: Buddhism

Question: This practice believes that desire is the root cause of suffering
Answer: Buddhism

Famous Indians

Question: The first ruler of Ancient India
Answer: Chandragupta

Question: Led India out of war and into time of peace, that eventually led to the fall of the Mauryan Empire
Answer: Asoka

Question: Famous peace fighter- especially fighting for freedom for India from British colonization. Was assassinated.
Answer: Mahatma Gahndi

Question: Siddhartha Guatama is more famously known as the
Answer: Buddha (enlightened one)

Question: The founder of the Mauryan Empire (state his entire name)
Answer: Chandragupta Maurya