
Forløb 2: The African-American Experience


Question: What was the civil rights movement of the 1960s?
Answer: A social movement consisting of numerous demonstrations and uproar, which goal was to end racial segregation and discrimination against black Americans.

Question: When did slavery become abolished?
Answer: When the US civil war ended in 1865.

Question: Name at least five rules from the Jim Crow laws.
Answer: Stay in the space assigned to your race.
Do not fight, question or take on white people.
The American Dream is not for you.
Education is not for you.
Use Uncle Tom language.
Avoid taboo topics.
Don't try to protect black women.
White women are off limits.

Question: What was the so-called “triangular trade”?
Answer: It was the triangular trade route between Great Britain, Africa, and America. Ships would bring manufactured products from Britain to Africa. Here they would then pick up slaves and bring them to America. In America they would pick up raw materials and bring them back to Britain, and the whole thing would start over again.

Question: What is the main difference between the protest philosophies of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.

Answer: Martin Luther King, Jr. protested democratically through the power of the word, while Malcolm X mainly urged black people to fight fire with fire.

Important Names

Question: This man had a dream.
Answer: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Question: Not an actual person per se, but the name assigned to the ideal slave that was happy to serve his master.
Answer: Uncle Tom

Question: On a bus in 1955 this woman refused to give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled.

Answer: Rosa Parks

Question: The protest song, "Strange Fruit" was sung by this jazz singer.

Answer: Billie Holiday

Question: A free, educated black man living in the North, who was kidnapped and sold as a slave in the South.
Answer: Solomon Northup


Question: What is the ‘strange fruit' hanging from the poplar trees in the protest song by the same name?

Answer: Lynched black people.

Question: There is a lot of juxtaposition in the protest song, "Strange Fruit", but what does this mean?
Answer: Juxtaposition is when you place two fundamentally different things side by side with the purpose of comparing or contrasting them.


Beautiful landscape >< scene of lynching

The smell of magnolias >< the smell of burning flesh

Question: In the short story "The Appropriation of Cultures", the protagonist takes control over two specific things that typically signify prejudice against black people. What are they?

Answer: The Confederate flag and anthem.

What does the sad-looking dog likely symbolize in the protest painting "American Justice (White Justice)"?

Answer: That lynching is a crime against nature. Even the dog knows this is wrong.

Question: What do the words phallus and contrapuntal mean?
Answer: Phallus = a representation of the penis as an embodiment of masculin and sexual power.

Contrapuntal = when music is coupled with images that it somehow does not match.


Question: En irriterende mand gik forbi os uden at hilse. Sikke en idiot!
Answer: An irritating man walked past us without saying hello. What an idiot!
An irritating man passed us without saying hello. What an idiot!

Question: Han var ved at vaske sin datters bil, da han pludselig fik et forfærdeligt hjerteanfald.
Answer: He was washing his daughter's car, when he suddenly got a horrible heart attack.

Question: Om tre uger rejser Wendy og John til Australien for at besøge en europæisk ven.
Answer: In three weeks Wendy and John go to Australia to visit a European friend.

Question: Hunden er sød, men hvorfor er dens pels så utroligt våd. Tja, det er sikkert fordi den har været ude i regnen.
Answer: The dog is cute, but why is its fur so incredibly wet? Well, it is probably because it has been out in the rain.

Question: Det var hans elevers bil og nu havde han ødelagt den fuldstændigt. Heldigvis var hans egen parkeret hjemme i garagen uden en skramme.
Answer: It was his students' car and now he had destroyed it completely. Luckily, his own was parked parked at home in the garage without a scratch.


Question: The CD contained the Beatles most succesfull songs.
Answer: The CD contained the Beatles' most succesful songs.

Question: You must learn me how to drive, because I am to fat to walk.
Answer: You must teach me how to drive, because I am too fat to walk.

Question: In the moment I am working serious to pass my examinations.
Answer: At the moment I am working seriously to pass my examinations.

Question: The teacher, which she had not seen before, gave her many information.
Answer: The teacher, whom she had not seen before, gave her much information.

Question: The teams coach is very much afraid of that the other team will be better.
Answer: The team's coach is very much afraid that the other team will be better.

The team's coach is very much afraid of the fact that the other team will be better.