
7th Grade Practice


Question: Which of these is spelled correctly?
(A) Cieling
(B) Asended
(D) Quarentine
Answer: C

Question: Complete:
Calm: ------:: Weak: Fragile
Answer: Tranquil

Question: True or False? The following is correct:
Answer: False

Question: Synonym of the word "Nice"?
Answer: Satisfactory, pleasant, enjoyable, entertaining, ETC.

Question: Jayla wrote the following sentence. What is wrong with it?
"Perpendicular lines are usually mistaken with parrellel. This can cause much confusion when it comes to Geometry."
Answer: "Parrellel" is spelled incorrectly.


Question: How would you interpret the following?
3(24 + 7) =

Answer: 3(24 + 7)= 3 x 31 = 91

Question: What is "D" in Roman Numerals?
Answer: 500

Question: Where would (5,3) be ordered on a grid?
Answer: 5 X axis, 3 Y axis

Question: Which is the equal of the exponent "8/2"?
Answer: 64

Question: Is this angle a right angle, greater, or less than a right angle?
80 degrees
Answer: Less

Social Studies

Question: Who was the first president? Who was the 44th?
Answer: George Washington, Barack Hussein Obama

Question: Where is the state of California located?
Answer: West

Question: What day is observed on November 11th?
(A)President's Day
(B) International Waffle Day
(C) Veteran's Day
(D)MLK Day

Answer: C

Question: Where do historians believe the first hunters/gatherers came from?
Answer: Asia

Question: True or False:
"Mesoamerica" means America before people inhabited it.
Answer: False


Question: The part of an experiment that you test is called _______?
Answer: Variable

Question: Which part of the cell provides energy?
Answer: Mitchochondria

Question: True or False?
Friction is a substance
Answer: False- Friction is a force

Question: The speed of a falling object is slowed by?
Answer: Air resistance

Question: The function of the respiratory system is to transport _______ to all parts of the body:
(A) Oxygen
(C) Glucose
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

Fun IQ

Question: How many months have 28 days?
Answer: All of them

Question: Which president is on the $30 bill?
Answer: There is no $30 bill

Question: An apple tree has a few branches, and every branch has three little branches, and every little branch has three fruit... How many oranges are on the tree?
Answer: None, because an apple tree can't have oranges!

Question: You are dreaming that you're in a dark tunnel. On one side, a train is approaching, on the other a dragon is waiting. What do you do?
Answer: You wake up.

Question: A rooster lays an egg on the American-Canadian border. To avoid conflict, who should have the egg?
Answer: Rooster's can't lay eggs!