
Expressions and Equations


Question: What property describes what is happening in this problem? And why is this property useful? 6 x 14 = 6(10) + 6(4) or 6 x 14 = 6(10 + 4)
Answer: Distributive Property

Question: What is the difference between the Associative Property and the Commutative Property? What do the the root words mean?
Answer: In the Associative Property the numbers do not move, only the parenthesis, but in the Commutative Property, the numbers move. Associate = Group; Commute = Move

Question: What is the number 5 called in the equation 3 - 5g = 12? What does it mean?
Answer: The Coefficient. It is the number being multiplied by the variable.

Question: The group of numbers 3k, 6k, 100k, and 646k are all what kind of numbers? What can you do with all these numbers?
Answer: Like Terms, you can combine them all into one term

Question: In the equation, h + 9 = 13, what would you need to do to solve this problem? (looking for a specific vocabulary word)
Answer: Inverse Operations

One-Step Equations

Question: Solve. Show work!! -8 = f + 11
Answer: f = -19

Question: Solve. Show work!! c - 24 = -5
Answer: c = 19

Question: Solve. Show work!! 15p = 195
Answer: p = 13

Question: A stunt airplane is flying at 150 feet. It ascends to 325 feet. Write and solve an equation to find the change in altitude of the airplane.
Answer: 150 + a = 325; a = 175

Question: In his home aquarium, Enli has 12 times as many guppies as he has goldfish. Enli just counted 72 guppies. Write and solve an equation to find how many goldfish he has.
Answer: 12g = 72; g = 6

Two-Step Equations

Question: Solve. Show Work!!

5 = -7 + 4b
Answer: b = 3

Question: Solve. Show work!!

12y - 8 = 100
Answer: y = 9

Question: Three is seven less than two times a number. What is the number? Write and solve the equation.
Answer: 3 = 2n - 7; n = 5

Question: Solve. Show work!!

8(9 + r) = 104
Answer: r = 4

Question: It took Suki 127 minutes from start to finish to carve her pumpkin. Carving the pumpkin took her 13 fewer minutes than 10 times as long as it took her to pick the pumpkin out at the pumpkin patch. Write and solve and equation to find how long it took Suki to pick out her pumpkin.
Answer: 127 = 10p - 13

p = 14 minutes


Question: Solve the inequality and draw a number line.

z + 48 > 6
Answer: z > -42

Question: 71 < w - 645
Answer: w > 716 or 716 < w

Question: Johnny has to earn at least $115 in a fund raiser to be able to attend the main event. Write an inequality and draw a number line that describes this situation.
Answer: m is greater than or equal to $115.

Question: Solve.

3q - 54 > -33
Answer: g > 7

Question: Solve. Show work!!

17 - 6e < 8e + 101
Answer: -6 < e or e > -6

Independent/Dependent Variables

Question: Complete the function table.

INPUT (x) = OUTPUT (-6x)
Answer: INPUT (x) = OUTPUT (-6x)
5 -6(5) = -30
8 -6(8) = -48
13 -6(13) = -78

Question: What is the dependent and independent variable in the equation j + 5 = v ?
Answer: v is the dependent variable
j is the independent variable

Question: What is the dependent and independent variable in this equation?

17h = d
Answer: d is the dependent variable
h is the independent variable

Question: Twelve people are able to ride the Serpent of Fire roller coaster at one time. Write a function table that shows the total number of people that have been on the roller coaster after 1, 2, 3, and 4 rides.
Answer: INPUT (x) = OUTPUT (12x)
1 12(1) = 12
2 12(2) = 24
3 12(3) = 36
4 12(4) = 48

Question: The Luck Dragons that live in the Enchanted Forest weigh 4x pounds when they are x years old. Write a function table that can be used to find the weights of 6-year old, 8-year old, and 10-year old Luck Dragons.
Answer: INPUT (x) = OUTPUT (4x)
6 4(6) = 24
8 4(8) = 32
10 4(10) = 40