
Jazmín Young

Conjugating regular AR verbs

Question: Is this writen correctly?

Yo cantas
Answer: False, Yo canto

Question: What subject would you use for cantáis?
Answer: Vosotros(as)

Question: What verb ending would you use for Tú?

Answer: (as)

Question: Translate from english to spanish and use the correct verb.

Do yall sing a lot?
Answer: ¿Cantan ustedes mucho?

Question: Put in the right form of AR.

Yo _______ (descansar)
Answer: descanso

Conjugating Regular AR verbs 2

Question: How do you say you sing in spanish?
Answer: Cantas

Question: What verb would you use for the following... Ud., él, ella.
Answer: Canta

Question: Is this sentence written correctly?

Yo estudio los Lunes.
Answer: yes

Question: bailamos los viernes

Question: How do you say we sing in spanish?

Answer: Cantamos

Conjugating ir

Question: True or False.... is this sentence written correctly?

Juego ustedes en el colegio.
Answer: False

Question: Is this sentence written correctly? sí or no

Ellos patinan, yo nunca patino.

Question: what verb would you use with uds., él, ella?
Answer: va

Question: What form of ir would you use for vosotros(as)?
Answer: áis

Question: Multiple choice

¿Adónde _______ los sábados?

A. voy

B. vas

C. vamos
Answer: B. Vas

Conjugating jugar

Question: Is this sentence correct? sí or no

¿Juegan ustedes en el colegio?

Question: what form of AR would you use for nosotros?
Answer: amos

Question: multiple choice

what form of ar is used for tú?

A. juego

B. juegas

C. juegáis
Answer: B. juegas

Question: true or false

juego goes with ellos?
Answer: false

Question: is this sentence written correcly? sì or no

No, no juegan mucho

Answer: no


Question: translate the following from english to spanish.

How do you ask "whats your name?"
Answer: cómo te llamas?

Question: translate the following from english to spanish.

how do you ask someone where theyre from?
Answer: de dónde eres

Question: what subject pronoun would you use to talk to the following person?

a teacher
Answer: usted

Question: translate from english to spanish.

the number 26
Answer: veintiséis

Question: translate from english to spanish.

"whats your phone number?"
Answer: Cuál es tu teléfono